day 17 - spooning

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On the first day of December, Draco and Harry were lying in bed together. They'd been snogging on and off all morning - among other things - and were now dozing in the morning sunshine.

Draco was lying with Harry's right arm slung across him, his stomach pressing into Draco's back. Harry's right hand was wrapped around Draco's, and Draco was circling Harry's knuckles with his thumb. He would sooner hug Voldemort again than admit he was the Little Spoon. Draco liked listening to Harry breathe. Harry always fell asleep when they kissed for long periods of time, which was okay, seeing as they only really made out from the shelter of their own bedroom.

It had been a month since they had first kissed, and what an unexpected month it had been. When Draco had returned to Hogwarts in September he had not expected to be fucking Harry Potter within two months. He wasn't complaining, though. He'd fancied Harry for a while now but had never expected that anything would happen.

"Draco," Harry murmured, and Draco stopped rubbing Harry's knuckles. He moved his head and hummed as if he were saying 'Yeah?'.

"I like this," Harry said quietly.

"What?" Draco asked. He knew the answer. He just wanted to hear it out of Potter's mouth.

"This," Harry whispered, squeezing Draco's hand. "Kissing you. Snogging you. Fucking you. Lying this close to you. Cuddling you."

Draco smiled, and Harry continued. "I like it when you stroke my hair or stroke my thumb. I like holding your face in my hands and kissing you on the nose. I like holding your cold hands and tangling our legs up under the blankets as we fall asleep. I like ... I like you."

Draco turned around so he was facing Harry; their lips were inches apart. He kissed him softly, and then said, "I like this too. I like you too."

Harry put his hands on Draco's pink cheeks. "So... what are we?"

"What do you mean, love?" Draco whispered, his voice barely audible.

Harry blushed. "That. Am I your love? Are we ... boyfriends?"

Draco looked at Harry's emerald green eyes. "I don't know... does it count if you pretend you aren't in front of people?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know either. I've only ever been with two other people, and we didn't get this far - well, Cho and I didn't anyway... Point is, everyone knew and half-expected me to go out with them. I'm fairly certain they aren't expecting this. What about you - have you been with other people before?"

Draco shook his head and then corrected himself. "Well, Pansy and I did go out for about three weeks in fourth-year but it was so awkward and, mutually, we felt we were better off being best friends. We're both super gay, too."

Harry stared at him. "Pansy's gay?"

Draco laughed. "Oh, yeah. Fucking hell, Potter, you're even more oblivious than I thought."

Harry chuckled. "Yep. A brick wall picks up on more things than me."

Draco smiled. "Well, yes, Pansy's gay. Between you and me, she's got the hots for Granger."

Harry's eyes widened even further. "What?"

Draco nodded, smirking. "Yup. I keep trying to tell her she's wasting her time. Granger's obviously preoccupied with Weasel..."

"Oi," Harry slapped Draco on the arm.


"By the way, Ron and Hermione aren't going out."


"Well, technically they never were. They just kissed that one time and then Ron kept calling her his girlfriend and they both separately thought about what they wanted to happen, and they realised they weren't interested in dating each other. Also, Hermione is an out and proud bisexual."

Draco smirked again, and Harry kissed his nose gently. "Well, I'll tell Pansy- no, I won't. She'll wonder where I got the information from and then she'd find out I told you her secret. Tell you what, how about we just get Granger very, very drunk and point out Pansy to her? I'll get Pansy a little drunk because otherwise, she'll think we gave Granger a love potion and she'll never speak to me again. If she believes that Granger was acting under the spell of alcohol, she won't suspect anything."


They lay in silence for a few moments, and then Harry said, "Back to us - erm - what do you think of me as?"

Draco thought for a second. "My very hot, very sexy lover."

Harry frowned. "Really?"

Draco snorted. "No. You're my very hot, very sexy newly-appointed friend that I get to snog."

"Can we be boyfriends?" Harry asked nervously.

"You want to be?"

Harry nodded. "Of course."

"Does that mean we tell people?"

"When we're ready."

"Can I tell Pansy?"

"I don't mind," said Harry. "As long as she doesn't tell anyone else."

Draco shook his head. "She won't."

"Then by all means, yes."

"So..." Draco fumbled with his and Harry's hands. "So, are we boyfriends now?"

Harry grinned. "Yes. Yes, Draco, love, we're boyfriends now."

"Looovely," said Draco, moving forward and kissing Harry's baby-soft lips. Merlin, this was the life.


I LOVED WRITING THIS CHAPTER!! I got to reveal Pansy's giant crush on Hermione, I got Draco and Harry to be soft with each other and talk about their relationship - I just love writing this fic so much.

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