day 12 - making out

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After properly catching up with the Gryffindors, someone on the other side of the room shouted "SHOTS!" so loudly that the small groups of eighth-years brought their conversations to a halt and looked up toward the corridor that led to the girls' dormitories. A few minutes later, nearly everyone was sitting in a circle in the centre of the room, fifteen full shot glasses lined up in front of them. Dean brought it upon himself to start the countdown, even though he was sitting down with everybody else.

"THREE!" he roared, and people looked around the circle at the other competitors.

"TWO!" Fingers were reaching for the first glass...

"One," a wave of silence washed over the room, and then, "LET'S GOOOO!"

Less than three minutes later, over three-quarters of the competition was already wiped out, lying on the cold stone floor, their faces etched with defeat. Dean - who had already been so full of alcohol - had passed out after the first two shots, and had come to a short while after. He was now flat-out on the floor, staring at the ceiling and giggling about something - nobody quite knew what he was on about.

Only Draco, Pansy, and Hermione - to nearly everybody's surprise - remained. They stared at each other menacingly as they drowsily picked up the twelfth glass and raised it to their lips. Pansy's hand was shaking so violently she spilt all of the gin and had to quickly grab one of the remaining glasses of the now unconscious person beside her.

Draco hesitated, the glass touching his lips, but he had followed through and taken the shot. Hermione watched him, her left eye flickering. Seeing she was about to lose to Malfoy, she downed the shot quickly. Pansy stared at them as they picked up their thirteenth glasses.

"I..." she hesitated, and the watching crowd had been certain she was seconds away from throwing up, but instead, she dropped the shot glass in her hand and collapsed.

Hermione licked her lips and narrowed her eyes at Malfoy. "Y-you're g-going down, M-Malfoy."

"No-o-t if I g-go d-down fir-first," Draco snapped, and then pulled a face that showed he was horrified with himself. "Yo-ou," he corrected himself. "Y-you're going d-down."

Hermione suddenly downed the glass, and then reached for another, just as Draco's expression turned even more horrified and he swallowed his mouthful of gin, then Hermione, then Draco again, and then Hermione, then - Hermione again! Draco stared at her, not believing his eyes.

He picked up his last glass and brought it to his lips, watching Hermione as she stared at him, grinning at him drunkenly.

After a moment, he said, "F-fuck it," and dropped the glass, standing up and marching over to Harry as everyone roared and cheered for Hermione. Two Ravenclaw boys lifted her onto their shoulders. 

"I d-don't want to st-stay for these f-festivities, P-Potter," Draco stammered. "L-let's f-fuck."

Harry stared at Draco, his face red. He hadn't had nearly enough alcohol to let Draco's comment go right through him. "What?" he laughed. Draco licked his lips and moved closer to Harry, pressing his lower chest into Harry's and tightening his embrace. Harry liked it, but he knew that Draco wasn't in the right mindset and needed to rest.

"Let's get you upstairs, hey?" he suggested, but Draco's hand snaked up behind Harry's neck and grabbed a fistful of his hair.

"Ow!" Harry yelped, but he kind of liked it. Draco craned his neck and pressed his lips against Harry's. Harry kissed back, not caring that the all of the eighth-year students were in the room and could see them at any moment. The kiss deepened, and Draco's tongue slipped into Harry's mouth. It tasted strongly of gin, but Harry didn't stop him. He dipped his head, kissing Draco harder, and Draco retaliated by pushing Harry back against the wall where he had been standing. 

Harry's hands slid down Draco's back and dug his stubby fingernails into Draco's lower back. Draco gasped through the kiss. Harry pushed Draco away while ensuring that their lips didn't part. He pushed him towards the boys' staircase, and Draco stopped the kiss so that he wouldn't fall on the stairs. When they reached the floor that their room was on, Harry kissed him again and pushed him in the direction of their dormitory.

The door was shut when they arrived, but Draco fumbled for the doorhandle for a few seconds before finally finding it and twisting it open. The couple stumbled into the room, Harry kicking the door behind him and letting it slam shut. He pushed Draco onto the bed and then gently lowered himself down on top of him, resealing the gap between their lips. 

One of Draco's hands fisted Harry's dark hair while the other slithered down to the zip of Harry's onesie. He slowly unzipped it and slipped his hand through the gap, finding the hem of the t-shirt Harry wore underneath and grazing his hand over Harry's smooth, dark skin.


OH MY GOD. That was one of the most - how should I put it - heated things I've ever written. My face was red the entire time. I'm definitely more of a smut reader than a smut writer, and that was barely even smut...

Hope you all enjoyed!

I'm not sure what happened with this A/N - it didn't save and I thought it had so I published it. Anyway, it's all well and good now, so please don't forget to vote!

Thank you so much for you support <3


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