day 25 - gazing into each others' eyes

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Harry stared at Draco, completely shocked by the words that he had just uttered.

"What?" he asked, dumbfounded.

Draco nodded, smiling uncontrollably. "Yes, I don't have to marry anyone I don't want to!"

"How did - how did this happen?" Harry asked, taking Draco's cold hand and leading him to his bed, where they sat down. Harry looked at Draco, wanting to hear everything that had happened over the holidays.

"I don't really know," said Draco thoughtfully. "My second full day there, we had a fairly brief chat about how I was going to have to marry either Daphne Greengrass, her sister Astoria, or - Merlin forbid - Pansy."

Harry couldn't help but laugh. 

Draco went on. "They then told me that Astoria was the - how should I put this - the front runner, for my hand. I didn't disagree, as I knew it would be futile. We didn't discuss the topic again until this morning. I was checking that I had everything packed and my parents called me into the drawing room - don't give me that look, I've always called it that - and they told me that as much as they wanted me to continue the pure-blood line, but they said that, after the war, they just wanted me to be happy. So they told me I could marry whoever I wanted. I know - I was as surprised as you are. I really didn't expect them to let me off so easily."

"Even a bloke?"

Draco chuckled. "I think that would be pushing it. They would probably disown me."

"But if you want to get married out of love, it'll be a bloke."

"Yes," Draco sighed. "Don't worry. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."

Harry nodded. "I'm sorry I ignored you..."

"Don't apologise. I should be the one apologising. You had every right to be angry - what I said was...horrible. I am so so sorry, Potter."

He smirked and Harry rolled his eyes and leaned in for another kiss. Three weeks was a long time to go without snogging, so Harry's hand snaked up Draco's back, grabbing a fistful of his pale blond hair and pulling on it as Draco's tongue slipped between Harry's lips.

Draco reached up and began to undo his shirt buttons when the door suddenly flew open. Harry and Draco jumped apart. Harry ran a hand through his hair and looked towards the door, expecting to see Hermione or Pansy rolling their eyes at them, and was horrified to see Ron standing in the doorway. His jaw had dropped.

"R-Ron!" Harry gasped, jumping up from the bed and awkwardly leaning against his chest of drawers.

Draco cursed under his breath and turned around to face Ron, his hair tousled from where Harry had gripped it.

"Good evening, Weasley," he said coolly. "Can I help you?"

"What... What the fuck are you two playing at?" Ron snarled.

"Ron, please don't overreact. Just let me explain-" Harry interjected, sensing the tension between his best friend and his boyfriend. If he didn't do something soon, they were going to start shooting hexes at each other.

Ron folded his arms and looked at Harry expectantly. "Go on then. You better have a pretty bloody good explanation for this."

Harry took a deep breath. "Okay, the truth is, Malfoy and I have been going out for a couple of months. Well, no - we've been snogging for a couple of months. We've only been secretly going out since the beginning of last month. Don't worry, Ron - Draco isn't the enemy. Not anymore, anyway. He's changed. He's a good person."

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