day 13 - eating ice cream

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Harry woke up with his head on Draco's shoulder and his hand resting on Draco's pale bare chest. Draco was still asleep, and Harry lay there for a moment, smiling at the rise and fall he felt as Draco breathed in and out.

While Draco continued to sleep beside him, Harry thought about where he was; what he was doing, and wondered how different his life would be had one thing not happened.

Had his mother and father not been slain by Voldemort, would Harry have grown so close with Ron and Hermione? Would Draco have displayed an interest in becoming his friend that day in Diagon Alley all those years ago? Even though Harry had no claim to fame?

Had Harry grown up with the Dursley's anyway, but instead run into the Malfoys at King's Cross instead of the Weasleys, would he have still been Sorted into Gryffindor? Surely, he and Draco would have been friends... surely.

Draco stirred next to him, interrupting Harry from his thoughts. He looked up at Draco, whose eyes slowly opened.

"Morning, gorgeous," Draco murmured, looking at Harry, who blushed and snuggled up closer to him.

"Merlin- my head is killing me. Argh, fucking hell!" Draco gasped, making Harry jump.

"You did drink quite a lot last night," Harry reminded him, straining himself slightly so he could kiss Draco on the cheek. Draco's left hand shot up to his forehead as he gasped in pain once again, and his other hand squeezed Harry's shoulder.

"Shut up, Potter," Draco snapped, sitting up and knocking Harry off his chest. "I need a hangover cure."

"Chocolate might help?" Harry suggested, throwing his legs over his side of the bed and pulling open his bedside drawer, rifling through it for a bar of Honeydukes finest. He found it, shoved in all the way at the back, and fished it out, then passed it to Draco.

"You're very fucking lucky it's a Saturday," said Harry, lying back against his pillows. "I know just the place in Hogsmeade that does the perfect ice cream. I'm telling you, Draco, this place's ices always cured mine and Ron's hangovers."

"You and Weasley had hangovers?" Draco gaped at him.

"Well... yeah, we're teenage boys!" Harry laughed. "What did you think we spent our free time doing?"

Draco shrugged. "I just assumed you were too busy saving the world all the time to actually have any time to yourselves."

Harry laughed again, and Draco went slightly red. Harry bent down and kissed him on the tip of his nose. "No matter," he said quietly. "Right now we need to cure your hangover."

"It's alright, Potter," Draco smiled. "You've given me chocolate, and you've told me of a reliable cure, so I think I just have to be patient and wait until ten o'clock, when we can go into the village."

Harry nodded. "Hey - that is my chocolate, Malfoy. When am I getting any?"

Draco cheekily popped a piece into his mouth. "Come and get it, Potter."

Harry leaned forwards and pressed his lips against Draco's, retrieving the piece of chocolate with his tongue. He closed his mouth, sucking on the chocolate, and ended the kiss painfully slowly.
Draco and Harry set off for Hogsmeade straight after breakfast. They ate separately and then told their respective friends that they had to accompany the other person to Hogsmeade for a pair of socks. Harry had come up with the excuse while he and Draco got dressed. Draco had questioned it but gone along with it nonetheless.

"I just don't understand why you'd need a pair of socks?" Draco said as they strolled down the path towards the school gates. "Just one? And what's wrong with your other pairs? They won't believe it, Potter, I'm telling you..."

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