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   I wake up and rub my eyes sleepily. Then I realize that I'm not at my house, at all. I begin to panic. I try to get out of the bed, causing myself to get tangled up in the sheets and end up rolling off of the bed. I groan at my own stupidity.

   I open my eyes to see Yoongi come in and he starts to laugh. He starts to help unravel me from the sheets. And I smile sheepishly. He laughs again, and I find myself laughing along.

  As I try getting my foot free, I nearly fall, but Yoongi helps keep me upright. I feel my body warm up from the contact and I try to shuffle away but I nearly fall yet again.

  If I were to be diagnosed with an illness, it would just be some form of idiocy at  this point.

  I turn and look at him awkwardly. And I realize that I'm looking straight at the idol I have looked up to for so many years, I can barely believe it. Hopefully, it is a dream with the amount of how many times I've made a fool of myself...

   He leads me into the kitchen. Breakfast is already laid out. A few of the members are eating. You look at the time and see that its 8:13.

  Yoongi brings you to a chair and he sits next to me. I look at the plate, there is dry sea weed paper, eggs, and some white rice. I let out a smile, excited for such a delicious meal.

  I quickly eat, then I just sit there awkwardly.

   "Do you want more," Yoongi asks me, as he continues to eat his rice.

   "No. Um... when will I be able to go home?" He looks at me for a long moment, while continuing to put more sea weed paper into his mouth.

   "It's not like we're holding you hostage, you can really leave anytime you want, but you don't have a phone..." He goes back to eating.

   "Where's the bathroom?" He points to a hallway. I bow and rush to the bathroom. I shut the door and sit down. My heart is beating too fast as I look into the mirror at my fuzzy reflection and poor appearance. I pull my hands through my frizzy dark brown hair, the dark green ends brushing against my arms.

   "What am I doing here? What if I make a fool of myself," I begin mumbling to myself. Where is my phone? Aren't your parents worried?

  I almost laugh at the thought of them being worried.

   I splash my face with water and try to take even breaths. I walk back to the kitchen, my mental state a little more stable for interaction. Yoongi is putting away his dish. I grab mine and put it in the sink.

   "Don't worry the maid will get it," he tells me. He walks over and grabs myarm, and he brings me closer to the living room.

  "Do you want to go get ice cream," he asks me.

  Who doesn't ever want ice cream?

I nod your head yes and follow him out to the front. We get into a nice car and he starts the engine.

   The car ride was silent. He parked the car and opened the door for me. I hop out and look around. He grabs my hand gently, and then we walk towards the ice cream shop.

  "Won't people recognize you?"

  I look around, not wanting to be surrounded by a bunch of fans. He shrugs and we keep on walking.

   Once we reach the small shop he lets go of my hand.

   "What do you like?" I get a little confused at first, but then realize he's talking about the flavors.

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