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  We tiredly step out of the cab, looking up at the looming building. All of our fears waiting inside.

  What fears? What do you possibly have to be afraid of Yin?


  I squeeze June's hand and offer a reassuring smile. He nods his head in response and we head to the front door. I can't tell if it's his heartbeat I can feel, or mine. We make it through a lengthy process of security, considering it's late and they didn't expect us back so soon.

  Finally, we make it to the group dorms. The on-site ones, at least. June enters the room first, his hand still enclosed in mine. We're met with Taehyung playing on the couch with Yeontan, his fluffy dog. He hears us enter and waves at us with a cheeky grin. His eyes travel over our hands and he raises his eyebrows.

  "Taehyung, don't even," I tell him sternly. He shrugs and goes back to cooing at Yeontan. June lets go of my hand and walks off to the rooms, leaving me to stand awkwardly in the common area. "So uh..."

  "He's in the right production room," Taehyung cuts me off. I bow in a sheepish thanks and scurry off to the room. My nerves are buzzing as I touch the doorknob. I take a deep breath and push the door open.

  "I don't want to babysit your dog, Tae."

  "Yeah, that'd be weird if you did, cause I'm not Taehyung." At the sound of my voice he turns and scrunches up his nose a little bit in embarrassment of his comment. I give him a smile and laugh. "Hi there."

  He smiles and turns back to the computer screen, his fingers madly typing on the keyboard.

  "So, what do you need?" I walk over and sit besides him and tap his hand until he looks away from the screen.

  "Hey. Yoongi. Thank you for everything."

  His ears flush along with his cheeks, "yeah, of course. I'm here for you." I nod in response.

  "I think I like you. And not as a friend, but more. If you don't return these feelings, it's perfectly okay. I'm happy just being around you." I don't hesitate to stand up after speaking, my legs might give out any moment if I don't leave now.



Here's a whole short page, lol sorry.

Ugh, life is a roller coaster? Right?

People tell you things and you tell yourself things and it becomes blurry as to which is which and at some point you don't even know your own feelings. I could go on a whole rant but you guys aren't here for "Nemo's rants about how much life sucks", so I'll refrain.

Wash your hands and please drink and eat appropriate amounts.

Stay safe, lovelies~

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