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  I had to board the plane separately from BTS to keep any rumors from circulating. No matter how low-key their private life was, somehow reporters and crazy fans were able to find out. I guess as an idol you have no truly private life. 

  The plan is to go to a resort in Russia, one with a five star rating. Ever since I found out, yesterday morning, I've been ecstatic. I've never really been out of South Korea, this is a rare opportunity for me, plus SeoJeong would also be there.

  As soon as I got on the plane my heart hitched, I was really going on a vacation with my best friend and a group of my friends. It's almost too perfect to be true. I pull the mask up higher on my face and walk down the small aisle. BTS is hidden in the back, the section blocked off. A few people give me strange looks as I say, "excuse me," to nearly each passenger as I walk by. 

  Eventually I reach the isolated section in the back. Right as I open the door I'm hit with shouting and confetti. Each of the boys are throwing scraps of colorful fabric at SeoJeong and I.

  "W-what?" Jungkook gives a wide smile.

  "It's to celebrate our trip away from all of our problems!"

  Hoseok pops in, "you have now been cleansed of all your worries!" Namjoon looks down and shakes his head, but can't hide his small smile.

  "Okay. Okay. Everyone sit down so we don't get in trouble."

  I easily move towards the back, the aisle is wider than before. There are six seats per row, four on one side, two on the other. As I toss my small bag onto a seat next to where SeoJeong plans to sit, I get pulled away towards the middle of everyone.

  "The two of you are not going to isolate yourselves. We are on a trip together." Jin looks down at us, almost scarily. I nod and grab my stuff, SeoJeong already sitting next to Jungkook. She smiles and points at the seat next to her. I toss my bag at her and take my seat. Before I even blink Hoseok is flying from the back and into the seat next to me.

  "Yin! I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever." I can't but smile at his energy and enthusiasm. 

  "I'm so sorry oppa," I playfully pout and he pokes my puffed out cheek with his index finger, the two of us laugh. The stewardess comes on the speaker and tells us to fasten our seat belts and that we will be departing shortly. The plane slowly turns around and rolls towards the runway.

  Even though we were told to leave in the afternoon we ended up sleeping in the airport due to a suspect carrying a "gun". The "gun" ended up being a water gun, held by a five year old, but it still reassured us that they were cautious, very cautious. 

  I stretch across Jungkook and slide open the window. The sky is a dark blue with a few flecks of white across it. SeoJeong looks out the window with me, Jungkook leaning as far back in his chair as possible.

  "It's really beautiful, huh?"

  "Yeah, reminds me of that one story about the fairies..."

  Namjoon and Taehyung mimic the two of us. 

  "It's so beautiful," Namjoon mimics, his eyelids blinking dramatically.

  "It reminds me of the fairies, the ones that fly so high in the sky." Taehyung snickers. 

  "Hobi oppa will you do me a favor and hit the two of them?" Hoseok nods and eagerly punches their shoulders. 

  "Yah! What did we do to deserve that?" Taehyung pouts, rubbing his shoulder.

  "You made fun of us," SeoJeong leans over Hoseok and I to stick her tongue out at Taehyung, who does the same. Jungkook looks over at you and laughs, causing you to laugh. Jimin leans over his seat from in front of me and smiles his innocent, sweet smile. 

  "Oppa are you excited?" He grins widely.

  "Of course, but you can lose the honorifics with us, we don't really mind." Jin turns around beside Jimin and looks over.

  "As long as we're in private, which is most times, just call us a nickname or something." He gives me a smile and returns to sitting down correctly.

  "What should I call you," I look at Jimin.

  "Art." He gives me a wink. My cheeks must turn a whole new color as everyone around me laughs.

  "ARMY has a lot of nicknames for you... I'll call you mochi, or Jiminie." He frowns.

  "But I want one that you come up with."

  "Hmmm... Okay, how about this, I call you your normal name, without honorifics, and I will use a nickname only when it's a special occasion or something, okay?"

  "Like what, a kink thing?" Everyone turns toward Yoongi, each person with their mouth slightly agape. He blinks.

  "What?" He turns in his seat and looks at SeoJeong and I, his cheeks turning a pink shade.

  "Oh... sorry." He does a small bow in his sitting position. Jimin turns to Yoongi and slaps him on the arm.


  "Besides who would want to sleep with your girl," all eyes turn to Jungkook now.

  "Uh, I'm going to take a nap!" I hold my pillow and lay my face down in it before everyone can see how red my face must be by now. By some miracle I am able to fall asleep.


Here you go, a new chapter, and a longer one at that .

Please don't forget to leave a comment and a vote, I appreciate all of your support.

Also, it has been an exact year since this story was created! That's really crazy. So thank you so much for keeping with me, I know I don't always update that much but you still stay... thank you.

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