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  I open my eyes and instantly regret that decision. The light hits my eyes cruelly as I groggily get out of bed. A small yawn escapes my mouth as I exit my room. A laugh comes from the kitchen and I freeze against the wall. 

Nope. Nope. Nope.

  I spin on my heel back towards the comfort of my room, but fate has other plans. I slip and the sound of my head hitting the wall echoes throughout the apartment. I groan as I see SeoJeong hovering above me. She holds a smile on her face, trying to contain her laughter.

  I merely roll my eyes at her and awkwardly get up off of the floor, my head slightly throbbing but just a small annoyance compared to whatever my friend had drug into the house. She guides me by the elbow into the kitchen, meanwhile, I put my head down to hide the flush of red in my cheeks, and my hair falling in front of your face. 

  Then I hear the muffled laughter, I look up to see Taehyung sitting at the kitchen bar, his bangs falling into his eyes as he holds his hands over his mouth, attempting to be subtle. Of course, my face turns an even darker shade of red. SeoJeong then joins in with his laughter until the two are just about crying. I roll my eyes and drag my feet into the kitchen to get a drink of juice. Normally I would be overly freaked out about a member of a popular k-pop band sitting in my kitchen, but currently I was too tired to care or even think. After I drink my juice my eyes get wide as you realize your pajamas were still on. The ones with the small cats placed across the fabric, shorts and a T-shirt with cute dolly looking lace at the ends.

  I run to my room and hear more laughter from behind me, Taehyung's laugh sounds exactly like his boxy smile. I pull a pair of pants on and grab my hoodie and nearly trip on my way back to the kitchen. SeoJeong and Taehyung are wiping fake tears from their eyes. I glare at them and pull my hair put from under my hoodie, loosely tying it into a ponytail.

  "So, uh... why are you here Taehyung oppa?" I feel awkward calling him "oppa" but I have manners. He gives a slight smile, that stretches his lips and creates little folds in his cheeks.

  "Well, we haven't see you guys for nearly two," he holds up two fingers dramatically, "months and everyone gets so boring." He pouts playfully and then returns to his usual boxy smile.

  "Everyone's getting tired of each other so we decided that you guys are our cure," he turns towards SeoJeong and looks at us both hopefully. My heart beats a little faster at the thought of having to be in the same room as all of them again, but of course I give him a slight nod with a smile. SeoJeong does the same. Taehyung claps his hands together loosely and somehow gives an even brighter smile than before. 

"Awesome! Let's go then!" The shock I feel must show because Taehyung jumps off the chair and laughs.

 "You have about... fifteen minutes to be ready. I'll just wait here." He turns swiftly and leaps back into the chair. I scowl and go back into my room to make myself more presentable, before I am out of his range he shouts, "Don't worry! They'll love you no matter what!" Then combusts into another fit of giggles. I shake my head with an unintentional smile and shut the door behind me.


  Here's a long overdue chapter, sorry it's not written that well and that it's fairly short... Soon, I will spam you with new chapters weekly or even daily. Thank you for staying with me this long~ I really appreciate all the reads, follows and votes. I am truly thankful.

  Thanks again for reading lovelies~

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