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  The two of us end up staying the night, as the weather was below freezing. I somehow resisted the peer pressure from the guys, but in the end SeoJeong helped persuade me. I could tell she was bubbling with joy, especially since it seemed she was getting along well with her idol Kim Taehyung.

  I was prepared to sleep on the nice plush couches when Yoongi spoke for almost the first time tonight. I was actually starting to worry about him.

  "You are sleeping in my room." I cross my arms with a scoff, as if he can tell me what to do.

  "No, the couches are fine." I see SeoJeong pout at the idea of sleeping on the couch. He sighs tiredly, acting as if I am a child he has to deal with for not obeying, which in a way I guess I am. Regardless, I stand my ground, my eyes meeting his small triangular shaped ones.

  He smiles slightly, I almost miss it. I begin to ask when i5 feel arms from behind me raise me up. I squeal and look at my friend for help, she just giggles. I turn your head to see my attacker, Jungkook.

  "Hey, you better put me down, or else you will regret this!" He just smiles and throws me over his shoulder, as if I am a doll. I begin to lightly pound my fists against his back as he carries me down the hall. The rest of them follow behind, watching my pitiful struggling. They all ignore my desperate pleas.

  Finally I get dropped down, I instantly know what room I'm in. Yoongi's. I can smell the faint aroma of his cologne and hair products. I inhale deeply wanting to save the scent forever.

  Jungkook smiles sheepishly.

  "Sorry (Y/N)-ah." Pouting, I know I can't stay mad at him forever. He's too adorable. I frown and motion for him to come closer. He lowers himself closer to me and I instantly pull him down. I begin to laugh at his shocked expression as he nearly falls on top of me, he puts his arms on both sides of me to steady himself. He smirks down at me and I feel a small chill rundown my spine.  He knocks the breath out of me as he completely loses his balance and hits me.

  "Ack!" I laugh breathlessly. I then notice the other people standing in the room awkwardly. Hoseok comes flying out of nowhere and lands on the two of us, his giggles making me smile as I'm being crushed slightly.

  Gosh, I didn't think they could possibly be this freaking heavy. The three of us start laughing and play fighting atop of Yoongi's bed. I'm sure he isn't too excited at the prospect of re-making it. I slide out slightly from the two boys to see Yoongi with a slight smile on his face.

  I grunt as I slither fully out of the boys grasp, I gracefully balance on the edge of the tall bed. (And by gracefully I mean my blood rushing to my head from half of my body being upside down). Yoongi reaches out a hand to help me. Instead I pull him down too. I nearly fall on my head, because he literally just fell on top of me. How many times will people fall on me today, I wonder to myself. Yoongi rolls over beside me and looks at the loud group of yelling adults.

  The others are now all play fighting except SeoJeong, who must feel like a intruder. Until Taehyung sprays water at her with a misting bottle. She looks like a cat who got wet and screams at the top of her lungs, while chasing him out the door.

  "I swear you motherf-" The rest of them begin to follow out the door wanting to see how SeoJeong will punish Taehyung.

  I look over at Yoongi breathlessly. His face is less than a few inches away. 

  "Hey." I try making awkward conversation with the beautiful man beside me. 

  "Hey." His gummy smile appears and I return it with one of my own rare smiles. My eyes travel the sight of his face, his beautiful newly died bleached hair, his cute little lips, and the nose I adore. I notice his eyes are lingering along my face also. It's so surreal. Looking at one of he most beautiful people in the world and him looking at me.

  Not the beauty of his face. No, everything he does. The way he smiles, the way he cares so deeply. The way he raps. Every word that he speaks. The way he makes me feel. It's beautiful.

  He's beautiful.

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