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  I stretch as I exit the car, the driver holding open the door. Taehyung gives the man a wave as he drives off. 

  "I've always thought JungByum  was a cool guy," he nods his head, agreeing with himself. The two of us follow Taehyung to the door, a certain nervousness making me fidget with my hands. As soon as I enter you can hear the sounds of shooting.

  "Die! Die! Die!" Jungkook hits a button on his remote, screaming at the screen. Suddenly the game pauses and he sends a glare at Namjoon. Taehyung coughs loudly and glances towards SeoJeong and I. Jungkook makes a small "oh" sound and stands up.

  "Ah, we haven't seen you in so long," he wraps his arms around me as I just blush madly.

  "H-hi Kookie," I stutter. He takes in a deep breath and releases me.

  "Jin and Hoseok hyung are in the practice room, I'll go get them." He turns and rushes off towards the long hallway. I take a step forward but stop as two hands cover my eyes.

  "Don't look," a sweet voice tells me. I smile and close my eyes, playing along.

  "I promise." He pulls me back and gives me a back hug, his chin resting on my shoulder. I open my eyes and look at him. He gives me a cute smile and gently squeezes me in his arms before letting go to stand in front of me.

  "Yin, I've missed you," he pouts and I can't help but feel guilty.

  "I'm sorry Jimin Oppa." I flutter my eyelashes as he lets out a small laugh. Jin and Hoseok enter the room and hug me and SeoJeong. Jungkook then asks for her to play OverWatch with Taehyung and him, of course she says yes. I stifle the laugh threatening to bubble from my throat, SeoJeong has never played before and she dies almost instantly. The rest of Bangtan gathers around and tries to give her help, she stubbornly stays alive a few more minutes than the last. 

  "Yoongi is in his room," Jin tells me, he then drags Jimin behind him to the others. I sigh and enter the hallway. I walk until I see a doormat with some weird animal flipping off visitors, and a laugh escapes my mouth. I gently knock on the door, prepared for a sleep disheveled Min Yoongi to kick me out. After a few minutes I just turn the door knob, the door glides open easily. Hopefully he isn't naked, I think to yourself. I walk in cautiously and look for the white haired man. 

  "Yoongi," I call out. A sudden movement alerts me and I turn to see Yoongi, coming out of the bathroom, headphones over his ears. He looks as shocked as I most likely do. Maybe even more.

  "Why are you here," it doesn't even sound like a question.

  "Taehyung Oppa brought us over," I shrug and inch toward the door.

  "Oh. Sorry, just nobody tells me these things." He shakes his head. " Living with such immature people can be tiring sometimes." My thoughts drift to every childish thing Yoongi has ever done, that one time he danced incorrectly on that show, when they were supposed to be doing BTS songs. A small smile makes its way on to my face, another laugh bubbling up. Instead I cough to cover up the laugh.

  He raises and eyebrow, "What's so funny?" He throws a pillow at my face as laughter begins to consume me, my whole body shaking.

  "Seriously what's so funny," he asks like a whiny child wanting to know the secret all of his friends are in. I shake your head, not able to speak with out laughing. He frowns. And then a cruel little smirk appears in its place. My eyes widen, afraid of what he will do.

  "Y-yoongi," I stutter out from between my hysterical laughter. I stumble towards the door, the floor now crowded by pillows. He walks closer, his eyes narrowed. I take in a shaky breath, my laughter turning into large gasps for air. Tears brim my eyes, and I can't make the smile on my face leave.

  "Okay, I've stopped," I carefully speak, so as to not let myself laugh anymore. He continues walking towards me until I'm nearly against the wall, each step I take back, he takes nearly two forward. He stands only a foot away from me and my breathing stops completely for a moment. He looks down at me, his body hiding the light from my view.

  "I-I'm sorry," I whisper.

  "Not as sorry as you're going to be," he whispers into my ear, it sends a gentle vibration throughout my nerves, every muscle in my body tensing. He smirks and walks out, leaving me tense against the wall.


Wooh, finally updated! And looks like things are moving along ;D

Wait, I'm cringing...

As always thank you my lovely readers, please don't forget to comment and vote.

Why did Yoongi get so tense, all she did was start laughing?

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