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  The blankets entangle me as I open my eyes. I know I should get up but I really do not want to. And I mean I really don't. I close my eyes again, wanting this headache to dissapear. Before I can drift off into sleep, I'm re-awoken by the smell of coffee entering my room. Soft footsteps echo off the floorboards.

  "Hey, Yin. I made you coffee. It's already 11 and you still need to finish your midterm assignment." This gets a grumble out of me. I don't think my brain can even signal my legs to work well enough to walk. "You also have a shift later this afternoon, Yin. Come on, today's going to be good, okay? I'll even treat you to some mochi." The idea of mochi slightly entices my food-oriented brain. I groan for what must be the fifth time and move slightly. The blankets have snaked around my legs, keeping me in place.

  Suddenly, SeoJeong begins to lift me out of bed. I can only grumble in complaint as my brain isn't woken up enough to form proper sentences. The two of us stumble a bit chaotically as she's trying to make me stand. My legs wobbily hold my body up eventually, and I somehow end up in the kitchen. SeoJeong gently places a cup of coffee in front of me, along with a bowl of cereal. A strawberry rice one that's shaped into little rabbits. My stomach ignores my emotional dramatics and forces myself to eat. The milk wakes me up a bit and the flavor brings me a small burst of dopamine.

  "Are you doing okay?" SeoJeong takes the stool next to me, sipping a cup of coffee. I look at her with a slight smile, one of sheepishness and sadness.

  "Right now, no. But I will be eventually, right?" She nods in response.

  "You will be, Yin. You will be." I nod my head and finish my breakfast. Life stops for no one and that includes me. The day passes by at a dull pace, somehow I'm able to complete the majority of my work for school. SeoJeong keeps her promise of mochi and my spirits are greatly raised compared to this morning. I'm able to head off to work with a slight smile on my face.

  I'm greeted kindly as soon as I enter the small bakery. Nonna immediately hurries to my side with a small tray of sweets. In less than a minute I have different sweets in my hands, eating them and giving her my opinion. I think it's impossible for this wonderful woman to create something that tastes bad. After a few hours of helping her decorate goods and serving the few customers that come in, Jimin enters the shop. He wears a pair of dark glasses and a face mask. His hair is covered by a beanie and his eyebrows have been made to look different with makeup. I almost didn't recognize him. He steps up to the counter and take off his glasses since the place is now empty.

  "Well, aren't you a beautiful young man," Nonna appears besides me, in awe of Jimin's beauty. Jimin's eyes crinkle up as he smiles and thanks her for the generous compliment. She smiles and begins to gather various treats for him to try, she always lets the customers sample items for free, regardless if they've asked to do so. I can't help but smile at her actions, Jimin does the same, letting out a soft chuckle.

  "Hey Yin, this place really is amazing, huh?" I nod my head with a wide smile.

  "It's one of the most comforting places I've ever been." He nods and takes a look at his surroundings, a soft smile on his lips.

  "It really is." He turns his attention back to me. "So, how are you feeling? You crashed yesterday." I lick my lips anxiously.

  "Yeah, I'm really sorry about all of that. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble for any of you. Thank you though... for taking care of me." He shrugs with a smile.

  "Don't be sorry. You were honest to yourself and to him. I heard from Taehyung. I'm not just a pretty face." He clicks his tongue.  "But that was not the original question. How are you feeling?" He looks across the counter with a look of genuine concern.

  "Honestly, I feel broken in a way. But at the same time, I know everything is going to be fine. I mean... maybe not with him. But my life won't be over... just a part will be gone I think." I look back up at him, confused by my own rambling of emotions. He nods though as if he understands.

  "It hurts, I know." My eyes widen at this, he must be talking about the kiss. I feel an amount of guilt as well.

  "Jimin, about that time-" He cuts me off.

  "No Yin. It's fine. It happened and I am genuinely sorry about that, you have nothing to make up for there, okay?" I nod my head yes.  "Now, would you maybe like to have a snack break with me?"

  I smile without hesitation. "Yes. I would love to." I flip over the open sign and we sit down at a lace covered table near the counter. The two of us talk about various thing as we eat different sweets. The whole thing is blissful as we just enjoy each other's company. He truly is a good friend, no, he's an amazing friend and person. I smile with my mouth filled with cake as I think. Park Jimin truly deserves the world.


946 words, wooh. I was so close to 1000, and yet- I did not make it. Oops.

I hope all of you are doing well and are safe and warm for the holidays. Please remember to wear your masks and take the proper precautions to avoid contracting or sharing any sicknesses.

As always, thank you so freaking much for reading, it makes me so happy and gives me the motivation to continue writing. <3 Thank you lovelies.

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