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  The plane lands shakily, jostling me out of my nap. Groggily, I stand and gather my belongings and shuffle off the mostly emptied plane, not even looking back for the others. As I stand outside the entrance into boarding the plane, a tired looking Hoseok stumbles out, followed by the others. The only one looking even partially awake is Taehyung, who drags Namjoon besides him. As we make it outside of the airport, Tae calls up the driver, and a cab for SeoJeong and I. I  watch the group load into the car, each member waving to us as the two of us enter the cab. 

  Smiling, I greet the driver, a handsome man in his early twenties, and I give directions as SeoJeong lays out besides me. Eventually, the car reaches the apartments complex. I poke SeoJeong, who's fast asleep against the leather seats, her knees pulled awkwardly to her chest. She doesn't react.

  "I can help, this happens often," the driver opens her door and speaks to me softly. "Ah, okay, thank you Mr.-" He looks at your expectant face, "Oh, it's Jaemin Lee. Call me Jae." He proceeds to gently pick her up, with her jacket covering her more-or-less are legs. I can't help but watch him as he swiftly walks up the apartment stairs, careful not to wake her. Unlocking the door, I point him to the couch. 

  "Does she not have a bed?" He looks over at me, as if this is putting a rose into a box instead of a vase. I laugh slightly, "she does." I lead him into the room, and he softly places her down, putting the blanket over her sleeping figure. "Thank you so much." I thank him at the door, he gives me a sweet smile, "Here," he hands me a card," if you ever need a ride." With that he walks away. I shut the door and lie in bed, filled with happiness over the past events over the last few days, it feels like everything is coming together in a way.


Super short chapter, more like a page... How are all of you?

I'm doing good, sorry for such a small update though...

Please stay warm and enjoy life~

Smile, it's beautiful.

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