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I   step onto the subway, music playing in my ears, drowning out all else. The subway is crowded, people of all ages. After a look around, I spot a seat between two men. Hurriedly, I reach the seat, just as the underground train lurches forward. I close my eyes and tap my feet with the music, Twit by Hwasa playing. As I start moving my lips to the repeating "twit twit twit", I'm startled by a figure in front of me, an older woman, holding a bag stuffed to the brim with random items.

   Immediately, I stand up and politely offer my seat, which she graciously takes, telling me about most "young people's" manners these days. I smile kindly and listen to her small rant about the youth, and her praise towards me. At some point, I reach my stop, I wave to the woman, and in return she puts something in my hand just as I turn to leave. As soon as I'm off, I take a look at the note, it has an address scribbled on it, with a date, in a few days. Without another thought, I put in into my purse and heads towards the agency.

   The building looms over me, the windows casting light into my eyes, causing me to squint excessively. After a bit of trying and being scanned, I'm able to go through. Just as the elevator doors open, a pair of eyes latch onto mine, startling me. The person belonging to the eyes blinks and grabs my arm, "I'm so sorry, did I scare you?"

   I'm face to face with what must be a trainee, her slim figure mixed with long half-dyed blue hair, and a pretty face. It takes a moment for you to come back to your senses. "Oh, uh- no, I'm okay. Thank you." She smiles and leaves the elevator. The whole elevator ride I remain stunned at her beauty and kindness. I enter the training room where Hobi said they'd be to find all the boys gone. Sighing, I turn on my heel, but I'm instantly taken off the ground by a pair of arms from behind. I let out a scream and make contact with my foot to the person. I'm brought down with a groan, both of us splayed out on the wood floor. The shiny floor reflects Jungkook's face.

   "I really think, we should create some kind of personal boundaries, Kookie." He grins and the two of us get up to see all the other members.

   "We just wanted to surprise you, sorry about that..." Jungkook nervously laughs and fixes my hair sheepishly. I roll my eyes and gently swat him away.

   "Hello, everyone, it's been a while." Heat creeps into my face at the fact of seven pairs of eyes all focused on me. An awkward silence follows, in which I become even more nervous about the attention, but then everyone bursts into laughter and friendly smiles. A knock on the door sounds, followed by the entrance of two men. One has such dark green hair, that I can't seem to focus on anything, his eyes match, he wears an oversized black sweatshirt and grey cargo pants. His eyes are an almond shape, with slight red makeup at the edges, I nearly drool over how actually beautiful the man is. The second man takes a few steps into the room, he has jet black hair, with intense brown eyes. He wears a blue t-shirt with black skinny jeans and a hat pulled low over his face. He has equally distracting eyes and small pink lips.

   "Hello, my name is Sean, well, that's what people call me," the man with green hair speaks to me. I only nod in response, unable to meet their eyes.

   "Hey, you can call me Min-jun. Or just June is fine, I guess..." He tells me, rather distracted, I follow his eye sight, which is on Jimin.

   "Hello, it's nice to meet you, my name is Yin." Smiling, I bow politely and realize they have bags of food in their hands, suddenly I feel quite hungry. Dammit, food always gets me, I think. They set the food up on a small table that is brought to the corner of the practice room. I'm invited to eat, and despite my refusal, somehow, I end up eating, shoving my face with fried dough with cream cheese in the center, dumplings, and a few other foods.


I feel kinda sick right now to be honest, it's because I ate food I don't like...

Thank you as always for all of your love, readers.

These new characters will come to reveal some interesting things soon. ;)

Stay happy and well. <3

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