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  Light shines down on my face, making my eyelids to flicker slightly. I sit up with a groan to find myself on the bathroom counter, SeoJeong standing above me with a concerned look.

  "Uh, hi?" I attempt a small sheepish smile in her direction, she frowns. "You fell asleep on the sink counter, not to mention, in a bathroom," she speaks slowly and clearly, clearly enunciating each word as she speaks. "Are you okay, and what the hell did you drink?" I slide down from the counter and respond, "Nothing serious or anything, it's just some private stuff, and I got really tired so I guess I just passed out here..." I take a deep breath and walk out, grateful to be out of there.

  SeoJeong falls right behind me as I exit. "So, are you going to tell me?" She looks at me expectantly, her small face painted with concern and sincerity. Smiling, I shake my head no. "I've got it handled." With a shrug, she walks into the living room, handing you a bowl of yogurt. "Here, I figured you were hungover or something and I made this special." I nod my head in thanks and eat the food.

  "What are we supposed to be doing today," I ask, making sure to keep my emotions in check towards last night's events. "Oh, we're supposed to go to the pool park and hangout, they'll also be filming a V live there. It will be so much fun," she responds with a child's adoration and excitement.

  Smiling, I get ready for the day, an hour later I shuffle onto the bus to meet up with the boys. As I enter, my eyes immediately lock with Jimin's, the memory of last night burning on my mind. His soft breath against my cheek as he leaned in and touched his lips to the side of mine. I nearly reach up to touch my mouth but stop myself. Pulling it together, I take a seat in the front, near a camera man and drown out their conversation as you ride to the water park across the resort.

  The sun beats down on the pavement as the group enters the water park, a few visitors walk here and there, but otherwise it is nearly empty. I look over to SeoJeong, who has a wide-brimmed sun hat on and a pair of glasses, she turns and gives me a wide smile. I can't help return one myself. Looking back, I see Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin, playfully bickering as Namjoon speaks with Yoongi about the V live planned.

  Each of us make plans to visit certain rides, I just want to just float down the lazy river. Yoongi looks at me and nods at my choice. "I'll go with her for a bit, I'm too tired to walk up all those stairs," he looks pointedly at the large tube ride that's nearly fifty feet above.

  The two of us walk away from the group to the lazy river, I grab a tube and jump in, the water grazing my feet. Yoongi follows. Going around a corner, I hear a small gasp. I turn to see Yoongi, his gaze looking ahead- the waves have started. I give him a small laugh accompanied by a shrug. "What's the harm in a few bumps," I call out to him, just as a large one comes through, carrying me a foot higher than I was.

  Turning to look at Yoongi, another one hits, this time drenching me. Yoongi reaches out towards me, "They must have turned the waves up really high, I'm sure one of those idiots did this," he tells me, referring to his band members. I stretch forward and manage to grab his hand, he gently pulls me closer to him as he stands inside his tube, his feet barely touching the ground as he's lifted by the waves. "At least there's no sharks," I joke to lighten his tense posture. A second later I see a figure beneath the surface.

  Yoongi pales. "What the actual fuck is that, and why did you say that in the first place!" He kicks his feet as he holds onto my tube, I kick my feet also, trying to get away from whatever it was. A minute later, something tickles my feet. Giving a small screech, I'm pulled from my tube and Yoongi's grasp and into the water. I turn and through my hair I see Jungkook, who had been missing earlier upon entering. I try to yell, but only inhale a good amount of water. Struggling, I'm pulled up by none other than Yoongi. The water around has stopped violently waving and is now calm. Jungkook slowly rises from the water, his black shirt clinging to his form.

  He gasps as he looks at me, "Holy sh-," he stops himself," are you okay? I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to pull you under like that, I couldn't really tell much from holding my breath for so long." Yoongi walks to him, his hair soaked with water, droplets running down his face. "This is too far Jeon Jungkook. She could've been seriously hurt." His body shakes with anger as he scolds the younger male. I give a small cough and walk closer, "It's okay, I know he didn't really mean it." I beam up at Yoongi, sincerely believing Jungkook did not mean for any harm to come to me. He shakes his head, his jaw clenched tightly. He gets out of the water and walks to find the others, leaving me with Jungkook. He apologizes yet again, nearly in tears. I laugh it off and reach for a hug, which he accepts.

  The two of us awkwardly stand in the water, our cold and soaked bodies hugging one another. After a second, I push him away playfully and yell," Bet you won't get to the others as fast as me." I cock your head to one side and smirk. He laughs and splashes water at me as he swims ahead, with me following not far behind.


Here's a light and fluffy little chapter, thank you for your patience, I've been really behind in school and life in general so it's hard for me to take the time to sit and genuinely write out anything.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support, and don't worry, the pool fun is not over yet. :)


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