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  After getting back with the rest of the group, we head over to the snack bar, everyone grabbing a frozen dessert. While licking my ice cream, I get a poke in your side, causing me to gasp. Jungkook is beside me, grinning at me with his innocent yet suspicious smile.

  "What was that for?" I raise an eyebrow as I stare at the child in front of me. "Can I have a taste," he asks while pointing to my treat. Feigning grief, I hand it to him, watching as he beams down at me, taking a small bite. I greedily snatch it back and resume it, only taking a second to realize that I am eating after him. I'm interrupted by Namjoon calling the two of us over. 

  Finishing my dessert, I head back to the pool, the waves having been stopped by now. The boys smile at me, a cute cat float sitting in the water. I give a grin and run into the water, leaping onto the float. Jin comes up from behind you and smiles, "Ah, that was mine. So selfish," he drags the "so" out. Dramatically apologizing, I get out, to splash Jin. He makes a loud gasping noise and shakes his hands like a villain from a cartoon. "How dare you ruin my beautiful hair," he screeches. 

  As this is going on, a figure slinks behind Jin. A second later, Jin is pulled down by Jungkook, both laughing hysterically as they grasp for air. I swim back to the float, hurriedly claiming my spot back. But as fate would have it, in a blink, I'm flipped into the water. Gasping for air and with a small scowl on my face, I turn to see Taehyung, a wide smile on his face. Standing for a moment, processing, I howl, "Ah, Tae, my ankle, I think I hit it." He rushes over to my side, only for me to kick his knees and drag him into the water with me. 

  I give out a surprised laugh as he quickly recovers from shock and gets the advantage, as he holds me above the water, while I screech for SeoJeong. She swims up behind him unnoticed, attacking right as he is about to dump you. He loses balance and ends up flailing in the water, a mischievous grin on his face as he tries to defeat the two of us, but is soon overpowered. Hoseok then joins the war of two versus one, he ends up joining my team, sticking his tongue out at Taehyung, who pouts. As the battle wages on, each team grows, Taehyung being helped by Namjoon, Jin, ad Jimin, the girls team being added on by Hoseok, Jungkook, and Yoongi, who was reluctant on entering.

  When I think I'm out of the line of fire, Jimin manages to sneak attack me, his hair falling into his eyes. I make eye contact, remembering his slight kiss, and freeze for a second, which he takes advantage of, throwing me into the water from above his head. I come up laughing as he chases me out of the pool, me nearly slipping many times. One of the staff members yells at us not to run, but the two of us doing it regardless, too caught up in the innocent adrenaline.

  After a few more hours in the pool, we head back to the hotel for dinner, SeoJeon and I are able to actually eat with the band, because no filming would be done. SeoJeong practically skips to dinner, dragging me behind her. I can't help but smile at her ability to be happy about anything. Dinner consisted of over five different options of meat and many sides, I gleefully gorged on the food, refilling my plate a countless number of times. Upon finishing, everyone got a dessert, which was shared among the table, everyone's hands reaching across to pass the plates. 

  As I went back to your hotel, I laid down and took a moment, thanking God for all of the people I am able to be around, I listed off each and every person and were swelling with gratitude that night as I fell into a comfortable sleep.


  Hello, my wonderful readers, thank you for having so much patience with me, and I promise that the story will pick up pace soon! I just wanted to have some fluffy and calm chapters to help you throughout your day. Each vote and comment means so, so much to me...

  Lately, I have started a webtoon, called Daily Idiots, so I will also be putting a bit of time into that.

  But, now that it is summer, I will be able to update more regularly. 

  I am so grateful for each of you supporting me, I really am... Ah, I feel so emotional right now, at 2 am, hahah, great.

  Please keep happy and stay safe. <3


2020: That webtoon dang died, I have a new one called Pardon Me but... though ;)

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