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 My mind is fuzzy as I open my eyes. My mind is having a slow reaction to the fact that's it's freaking bright in my room and the fact that I wasn't in my room the last time I remember. Blinking, I remember what happened last night...


  Inhaling deeply, I frantically roll out of the comforting sheets. The long shirt I'm wearing makes me freak out. I did not change either. The shirt stings my skin as I pull it up, the marks across my stomach make cruel and ugly lines and form my skin into an elaborate maze. I wince and drop my shirt back down.

  It takes all of my willpower to open the door, instead of hiding like the coward I are. As I step out I nearly scream. On the floor is a person. That I nearly stepped on. They groan and roll over. Yoongi.

  I scream and curse myself mentally. I turn around and head back to my safe place. My room. Instead, something wraps around my ankle, making me nearly slam my head into the door, from tripping.

  "What the he-" I look down to see a slender pale hand wrapped around my ankle. All the color drains from my face. Before I can look away, I meet Yoongi's eyes. Automatically, I look towards the wall, too afraid of the words that are sure to come out of his mouth. He knows how much of a coward and loser I am now. He must hate me. I'm just another fan wanting attention and pity.

  "Yin." His voice comes out soft but raspy at the same time. My heart picks up in pace and tears start to cloud my vision. I want to run away, to hide. To never face him. Instead, I obey him. I sit down across from him, my back against the door. My gaze looks everywhere, everywhere but at him.

  "Yin. Look at me." He grabs my chin and softly pulls my face upwards, forcing me to acknowledge him. He stares at me intently, watching me nervously try to look away, but I can't. It's too late to run now.

  "Why?" His voice is a sad whisper, he sounds like he's gasping for air, struggling to speak. My lip trembles as I remember dragging the blade across my skin, the way my now rugged skin felt under my fingertips. Jagged and broken, just like me.

  "I deserve it." I want to say more, but my mouth stays shut. He continues to look at me, as if searching for whatever made him ever believe in me. He waits a moment, a moment that feels like an eternity, finally he speaks.

  "No. You don't deserve pain, you deserve so much better. Never think you are less than anyone else. Don't fucking care about what anyone else says about you. How the fuck do you think I feel? You can't do this. You are fucking beautiful and crazy amazing, and you are better than this. Without you everything would just be-" his voice breaks and I see a tear stream down his cheek. I feel tears running down my own face as well. He grabs my wrist where a few older scars are and holds it between the two of our faces.

  "You can't do this to me. I-" he drops my wrist and looks at me, his eyes boring into mines. He wipes a few tears away from my face, ignoring his own tear streaked face. He smiles sadly. 

  "I need you." The two of us stay like that for a while until he stands.

  He offers me his hand, I hesitantly take it and he smiles. A real smile. I give him a shy smile of my own, but it could never match the beauty of his.

  "Let's go get some food." He doesn't pressure me into telling him all my insecurities. He doesn't ignore me or send me to get help. He's just there for me. Before I exit the building I turn toward him.

  "I need you too." I say it quietly and gaze directly at him, all he does is smile.

  "Ice cream?"

  I look up at the blazing sun and back down at my scuffed sneakers. A blast of cold air comes by, but I feel okay. For once I think I'm going to be okay. Someday I will be able to love myself, and accept myself, but for now I have others that are cheering me on. One day...




Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT. (Also, a follow would be nice. Thanks)

For you people who wanna be cooler than the people who skip-

When it low-key feels like the end,

but then it's really not.

Honestly, I could just end it right here, where it seems like they all have hope...

or I could continue the story.

I'll go with the whole continuing thing, I guess...

Anyway, sorry I've been so slow on updating.

Thank you to my loyal readers, you inspire me daily.

Also, your comments are freaking amazing and I will randomly think about them in class and start laughing (they think I'm crazy, but yeah, I am) so THANK YOU for that you crazy kids!

I've been writing such shorter chapters, it's pretty annoying to me. Whatever.

Peace out lovelies~

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