Part 5

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Bai Qian sat on her favorite branch completely unaware that she was nestled in the tree that Mo Yuan had planted specially for her all those years ago.

And it was Mo Yuan that was on her mind as she drank Zhe Yans 1000 year wine.  

She thought back to her time as his young disciple and the many memories she had of him.  But the one that she always returned to was the day he died.  Her heart broke that day, and she never got over the overwhelming loss, even now, the painful memory of his cold dead body in her arms as she held him begging him to wake up, never left her.  

She had blamed herself, she still did.  

 Had she not begged to allow her cousin  Xia Nu to stay, he would not have died.    

Because of her selfish desire to see the birth of her niece, she had dragged her ninth senior to Qing Qiu, only to be captured by the Ghost Clans Lord Qing Cang and held captive at Grand Zimming Palace where she fell in love with his second son Li Jing.  Her Shifu was then forced to rescue them and was injured in the process weakening his body.   

And had she taken her own Heavenly trial for High Immortal ascension, he would not have been further injured when he took her 3 Heavenly thunderbolts because she had been too lazy to cultivate in preparation for it. 

Then Li Jing turned up while her Shifu was in seclusion, and after a whirlwind affair he ended up marrying her cousin, who returned to Kunlun Mountain under false pretenses and stole their tactical formation strategies  which she gave to Qing Cang causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Celestials including her Ninth disciple during the Ghost War.

Though they eventually beat Qing Cang, he unleashed The Bell of East Emperor, a destructive weapon that could destroy Heaven and Earth.  Her Shifu, unable to defeat Qing Cang due to his injuries suffered because of her,  was forced to save the entire world, by offering his soul to the Bell, which ultimately scattered his soul for 70,000 years.

It was all her fault.  And yet he had returned with his love for her intact, when all she could think about was how unworthy she was of it.  She didn't deserve it.

But she did love him.  She had always loved him, even now resting in her favorite tree she wanted him.  And the thought of their first kiss that morning made her very warm as a deep yearning took her over.  

She knew the feeling well.  She hadn't exactly remained celibate in her Shifus absence.  When the urge rose, she just used a charming spell if she took a liking to a man when she needed release.  It wasn't a big deal, when they were done she would throw a releasing spell and they would simply forget everything that happened.

And as she lay in her tree, she suddenly became aware of approaching footsteps crunching the dry petals beneath their feet.  Raising her head slightly she caught sight of a man, and his build was exquisite.  Wide shoulders, his thick muscular chest clearly defined through the tight robe he wore, and strong thick arms.  A body like that was exactly what she needed as she conjured up a charming spell, and launched herself out of her tree.


Mo Yuan knew she was drunk by the way her eyes stared drowsily up at him, but the feel of her lips on his own awakened his own deep inner need as his desire rose rapidly.    The sweet taste of her had him wanting more, and she obliged, as her tongue sought to enter his mouth.

Opening his mouth he reveled in the sweet taste of her lips, Zhe Yans wine lingering on her tongue only added to the taste, as their tongues danced seductively against each other.   Moaning softly against him, he pulled her closer as he took her.

Mo Yuan, Bai Qian, Ye HuaWhere stories live. Discover now