Part 30

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Mo Yuan and Bai Zhi set the wedding date for the end of the year, in 9 months time.  It would allow them all the necessary time to oversee the pregnancy and take whatever precautions they needed to take, as well as deal with the birth and the effects once the baby was born.

So far, they knew the pregnancy would take approximately 5 months, if he continued to grow at the rate he was going, and the child was definitely male.  They had also made one other monumental discovery, and it was one that they would not be able to hide this time, nor would they be able to keep the news of the baby secret for long.  Dong Hua Di Juns star was once again shining brightly in the constellation of Yáogǔn lóng, which could only mean one thing.  

Mo Yuan had over the years, studied the constellation charts of the ancients, and though Di Jun himself, never spoke of his origins, Mo Yuan had made many discoveries about his brother that were indisputable.  One of those discoveries, was Di Jun, belonged to the First Dragon Clan Yáng hóngsè huǒyàn . The ruler, Di Huang,  had 4 sons of which Di Jun was one.  Each son was given the task of overseeing one of The Four Quadrants of the Universe.  

Each brother had 2 realms of their own within their own Quadrant, and each of their realms were ruled by their dragon overseers.  His older brothers realms were ruled by his Gold and Black Dragon overseers. His Black Dragon fought often with the Gold Dragon over their boundaries which caused dissension within all the realms.  The Black Dragon wanted to dominate all the  Realms, while the Gold Dragon merely sought peace within not only their realms, but all the realms.

The Black Dragon continuously tried to persuade Di Juns brother to fight for supremacy over all the Realms, so that he too would have full domination over all the Overseeing dragons.  Eventually, his older brother allowed himself to be convinced to move against his siblings and claim full domination, since he was the oldest.  

The turmoil from their war created the Chaos. So in order to protect himself from destruction, which had overtaken his 3 brothers, Di Jun hid himself in a cataclysmic crystal, which over many millennia and through the harshest of conditions, solidified until it found its way to their world.

Mo Yuan had only once tried to question Di Jun with his findings, and he was the first in all of their world to feel the full brunt of his anger because of it.  He threw a burst of his magenta flame directly at him, which almost killed him and gave him the first of his many scars, which only added weight to his discovery, why else would he have acted the way he had?

Now standing outside looking up at his star, Mo Yuan couldn't help but admire his foresight.  Not only had he punished the descendant of his older brother Ye Hua from his Black Dragon Realm, he had given Mo Yuan himself, also a descendant of his older brother from the Gold Dragon Realm, the job of ensuring his survival.  


It had been 3 months since she had found out she was carrying Di Jun, and day by day Bai Qians morning sickness worsened.  Some mornings, the pain and nausea would be so severe, she would be bed ridden for the entire day, however, this morning, Bai Qian could not be woken and nothing Mo Yuan and Zhe Yan did or gave her, could waken her, she had lost consciousness.

Immediately Mo Yuan moved her to the Infirmary and gave her a thorough examination.  Once done, he sent Zhi Lan to fetch her mother immediately from Qing Qiu, while he sent Li Shui his 6th disciple to fetch Bai Zhi.  Then placing a protective barrier around her main organs, they sat in silence and waited with her until everyone arrived.

On arrival, Mo Yuan went through his findings with them.  Di Juns cultivation was overpowering her core essence, which was weakening her and the stronger the baby became, the weaker she would get.  If they didn't find a solution, she may not survive the pregnancy.  Di Juns cultivation had taken over her body forcing her own cultivation out, which in turn forced her organs to rely heavily on her core essence which was fast being depleted.  

Mo Yuan, Bai Qian, Ye HuaWhere stories live. Discover now