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My name is Jamie. I don't live on earth. People on earth don't know this planet. It is called moicheria. It is 5 billion light years away from earth. It isn't seen from earth. Our technology is more advanced so we can get to earth in record time. We only go to earth if we get banished anyway. If one gets banished, then all of their memories of moicheria and their powers are erased and their powers are removed. In this world, we don't get a human education. Its all about our powers. We practice them and get them under control. When you're banished, you get the mind of whatever age you are. Like if I got banished, I would get the mind of a 15 year old. Everybody has to wear a cloak. It can't be taken off unless we are sleeping or showering. If we take it off, our powers can go whack. They go out of control and there is no way to control them till the cloak is back on. My power is ice. Anything could happen. We don't have love on this planet. We don't choose who you marry. Our parents choose somebody our age with the same powers as us and that is who we will marry. We don't even need a ceremony. When both of us are 18, we are legally married. After a few years, we will have to start a family so that way our kind can continue. Yeah. In our world, the rules are strict. You cannot harm another being. If it is an accident, you will be let off with a warning but the next time it happens, you will be banished. If it is on purpose, even if it is the first time, you will be banished. Strict I know. Because of this rule, we don't really have bullies but we do. She doesn't use her powers as to not get in trouble but, she does like to be bossy. Her name is Tetra. I have a twin sister and an older brother. I have ice powers. Jenna, my twin, has fire powers. Mynolder brother James has invisibility. That is our family.

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