Jamie: explanation

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He looked around for a minute then he looked at me.  "I can explain Ryan." "I sure hope you can." he turned on the light. I made it stop snowing. His face looked really confused. "Ok, umm, before I tell you what happened, I need to explain the entire story." "ok. I'm listening." "I'm not human." "yeah, a human can't do that." "you're right, I come from another planet." "so your an alien?" "not really. I come from a planet called moicheria." "why were you sent here? Are you on a mission?" "no, I was banished." "for what?" "our rules are strict and, and I broke one. If you break a rule, you get banished. That's how it works." "why would they send you to earth? Nobody else has powers so, why?" "earth is the soy other place known to have other life, so we are sent here. Our lowers and memories of moicheria should have been removed but, mine weren't for some reason." "so this entire time, you had a memory?" "not at the beginning. When the door was jammed, my ice powers were go g out of control." "why?" "this cloak. It stops our powers from going out of control. That why I wear it all the time. I got my memories back then and I have had them since." "wow. So you've been lying to us this entire time?" "well, if you got powers, would you tell anybody?" "well, I would want someone to help me." "yeah." I said getting sadder. "Are you ok?" "yeah, I, I just," "yo just what." "I, I miss my family." "your family?" "yeah, my twin sister, my brother, my old friends, I miss them so much." "oh, I'm sorry jamie" a tear rolled down my face. I looked up at him. He put his hand on my face and wiped away the tear with his thumb. I got that feeling again. He pulled he hand away. "Jamie?" "yes?" "can I tell you something?" "sure." "I like you." "I like you too I guess." "no, like, I love like you. Like more than a friend." "you mean like, boyfriend and girlfriend?" "yeah. Something like that. What about you?" "me?" "what do you feel about me?" "I-I, I dont know..." I was having trouble speaking. "I-I dont know, what love feels like." he smiled a bit. "Here, let me show you." he leaned in and our lips touched. Hew was now kissing me. I was dying inside, but in a good way. I felt my face heat up. I kissed him back. I felt the need to. The kissed seemed to have lasted longer than it really did. He pulled away and when I opened my eyes, out faces were inches apart and he was smiling. I smiled to. "That's what love feels like?" I asked him. His smile grew wider and he nodded his head. He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me into another kiss. He put his other hand on the back of my head. I wrapped my arms around him. It was like we were connected. Nothing could separate us. Except for my alarm clock. Unfortunately, I spent a while explaining to him about my powers and all that stuff. Then we kissed. I turned off the alarm clock. And looked back at Ryan. He was smiling which made me smile. I can't help but smile when he's around. "If that's love, then I like you to. As more than a friend. On our planet we dont have love. Our parents choose who we marry. Code can not be broken." "that's so sad." "yeah. My parents wanted me to marry a guy names Isaac. I am banished so that wouldn't matter." "that's good." he said kissing me once more. Wait until Tiana and Eric hear about this.

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