Jenna: the letter

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I came home and checked the mail. I didn't read any of the mail. I just put it all on the counter. I went into my room and Jamie was on her bed crying. "What happened?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Did something happen with Ryan?" she shook her head again. "Well what is it?"  "go see for yourself." she pointed to the door. "Ok?" I left and went out side of the room. I had no idea what she could have been talking about. "Jamie, what am I supposed to be looking for?" she didn't reply. "Jamie?" still no reply. I came back on the room. She was still sitting on her bed. "Jamie?" she didn't answer. "Whatever. If you want answer me, then I won't care." I left the room and went to the kitchen for a snack. I looked at the top envelope and it had my name on it. I opened the letter and read it. I u derstood why she was do upset. Ryan was now my one. Jamie loved him. Something that I will never know the feeling of. Jamie probably read the letter. That's how she knows. This is gonna ruin her happiness. I went back into the room. I needed to comfort her. I sat next to her. "I'm sorry Jamie. I read the letter." she had no reply. She just looked down. "Jamie? There is nothing I can do. The leader chose it. You will have to speak to him yourself if you want this to change." she nodded her head and turned away from me and layed down. I stood up and went to my bed. I layed down. I didn't know what to do. How can I fix this? Tomorrow I will go see the leader with Jamie. If she doesn't want to go, then to bad. I will carry her if I have to. SHE WILL GO!!!! We need to figure this out and this is the only way. Until tomorrow then.

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