Jamie: something to remember

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I woke up in the lark, on earth. Lost, confused, miserable, and happy. I felt all of these emotions. I dont know why but, I just did. I felt relieved in a way. I dont know why. I accidentally broke the necklace that he was holding. It seemed so familiar in a way. I wanted to touch it to see if it could spark some memory but he pulled away and it broke. He blames it on me but it was clearly his fault. He pulled away. He got mad which made me mad. I now felt a burning hate for him now. Before I felt like he wasnt a bad person, like I didnt hate him. Now after this, over a necklace, I feel like he just, I dont even know. I just feel like I hate him. I was walking around, trying to take my mind off everything. I was walking on the sidewalk looking down. I accidentally bumped I to somebody. I fell and he caught me. We made eye contact and he smiled at me. He helped me back onto my feet. "Hey there." "h-hey, sorry about that, I was trying to take my mind off of things." "that's ok, what your name pretty lady?" he said seductively. "Umm, I, dont, I'm, Jamie." for some strange reason, I couldn't remember my name. "Forgot your name for a minute there?" "uh, yeah. I guess so." "well, my name is Justin." "ok, any chance you know where we are exactly?" "your in California." "what's that?" I asked making a confused face. He laughed a bit then said "its a place, that you are in." I made a "seriously" face "haha very funny." I said then giggled a bit my self. "You new to town?" "umm, well, I feel like I recognize this place but, I dont know for sure." "ok, well, I dont k I how to help you " "well, could you show me around?" I said starting to twirl my hair. "Sure, no problem." "he said smiling at me. He held my hand and started walking in the direction the I was going to begin with. He showed me a few places. Most of them were like little jewelry ships or candy shops, but there few actual nice places. After a while, it started getting dark. "I'll take you home, where do you live?" he asked me. I had no idea what to say. I had Bo idea where I lived. "Uh, I actually dont know." "what do you mean you dont know? Did you just move here?" "no, maybe, I have no idea. I dont have memory of anything." "what's the last thing you remember?" "I was sitting in the park with some people." "did you know them?" "no?" "so you dont know where you live?" "no, I don't" "you can stay with me. I have a guest room. My mother would be glad to help. You can stay until you find where you live." I felt like this concept was familiar. Like déjà vú sort of. He took me to his house and I stayed in his house for the night.

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