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Today didn't go well. My parents figured out who the one for me is. His name is Isaac. I dont even know him and I'm gonna have to marry him. Yay. Then, Tetra, decided to be... Well. I went to school. Tetra kept glaring at me. After school she came up to me. She was mad. "Why hello Jamie." "hello tetra" I said in a girly voice in annoyance. "What do you want?" I asked her. "Well, Isaac. Who is now your 'one'." "I dont agree to it either. Get over it." "get over it? He was supposed to be mine!" "but he has ice. Not air." "my dad is able to bend the rules a bit just for me. Now has been taken." "ok whatever Tetra. Leave me alone." she made a mad face and used her air to throw dirt all over me. I was now covered with dirt. I wiped off some dirt of my face and hands. I created a block of ice and threw it at Tetra. She flew to the ground. A lot of people saw it. Then a counceler came up to me. He took me to the leader. The leader is the one who leads this continent. Moicheria isn't huge. Not as huge as earth that's for sure. There is only two continents. Each one has a leader and both of them can teleport. We just call him leader cause nobody knows his name. I had to talk to him. So did Tetra. "What happened?" leader asked us. "She attacked me!" Tetra blurted out. "Why?" he asked me. I told him the whole story. "Ok. This behavior is unexceptable Jamie. You know that." "yes. I know sir but she..." "ok. Tetra, I will let you off with a warning. This is your first so be careful Tetra. No more dirt or anything else." "yes leader." "you can leave now." "yes sir." Tetra left and it was just me and leader. "Jamie, I'm afraid I can't let you off with a warning. You physically harmed another being." "sir I-" "it wasn't an accident Jamie. I'm gonna have to banish you." "WHAT! No please sir. I'll do anything to stay. I can't leave. My parents have high hopes for me." "well their hopes aren't gonna happen. You leave first thing in the morning. Say goodbye to your family." "will I ever see them again?" "sorry Jamie. Afraid not." I nodded my head sadly. I had to explain everything to my family and that I was banished. I strayed up late with my family for the last time. This was my last night ever at home. I had to cry myself to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna suck.

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