Eric: Me

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We met a new girl in the park named Jamie. We were talking about how Ryan probably won't have a date to the winter wonderland ball dance. We came to the park. There was Jamie. She didn't tell us her name right away. We came over there and unfortunately she had amnesia. Ryan went to help her up. They wouldn't look away from eachothers eyes. I can tell they both like eachother. Tomorrow I am so gonna pick on Ryan. He's my beat friend. I pick on him about everything. Everything. She got a place to stay at Ryan's. So cute. he told me that something happened to her door. The doorknob was cold and he saw frost on the window. I have no idea about that but oh well. I do like Tiana. Ryan mentioned that. I like her a lot and I know she likes me. He asked us everyday why we won't date. We both just shrug out shoulders. I guess its just because both of us are to scared to make a move. I like her, a lot, and I dont want to ruin our friendship by making the wrong move. She might feel the same way. I want to be with her but... You know what? I'm not going to make a move. I'm just going to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend. We are meeting at the park later so, I will do it then. Ok. I can do this. Ok. I went to the park and here is what happened. "Hey Tiana." I said. "Hi Eric." "why'd you call a meeting?" I asked her. She was the one who called the meeting so I was wondering. "I was thinking." "yeah me too." "Ryan is right. Everyday he asks us 'why aren't we dating?' I mean, we both obviously like eachother." "yeah, I was thinking the same thing." "why aren't we together Eric?" "I-I dont know." she then looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. I pulled her in and kissed her. She didn't stop me. She kissed me back. When we pulled away, we both laughed a bit. She then leaned in and kissed me again. I could feel her smile againsed my lips. I was internally melting. It felt good. I liked it. I loved her. We made it official. She is now my girlfriend, and I am her boyfriend. Just wait until we tell Ryan. He is gonna be excited.

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