Ryan: girl in the park

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I was walking with Eric and Tiana. We were talking about the winter ball dance that is coming up in December. It is currently October so we have a month and a half. Eric and Tiana are going together. Of course. Those two are like in love with eachother. I dont see why they won't date already. We were walking to the park and we saw a girl. She looked really confused and lost. We went over there and introduced our self's. I felt this love inside of me. She was so cute. I couldn't help but stare at her. I went to go help her up when she stood up, we were endlessly looking into eachothers eyes. I couldn't look away. She had these beautiful emerald green eyes, this long perfect brown hair with the simplest waves. I felt the want to kiss her but I knew I couldn't cause we barely knew her. She was beautiful. I knew instantly that I loved her. She is such a sweet girl. I feel so bad for her. She lost all her memory's. I hate to think if she didn't lose them. She wouldn't have looked so confused and we wouldn't have gone up to help her and we would never have met her. I wouldn't feel this way about her. I let her stay in my guest house. It is a compact house, perfect for one person. She can come over everyday for meals and we can talk. She can get to know me better. I can't stop thinking about her. I can't help but feel this affection for her. She is so cute and... Well.I haven't told Eric and Tiana that I like her yet but I am such a bad liar that they either know already or will crack it out of me in no time. Yeah

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