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My sister got banished. Banished! BANISHED!!!!!! How? Why? When? Noooooooo. This want happen to her. I honest never thought this would happen to our family at all. She will get sent to earth and her powers will be removed and she wont have to wear a cloak but still. Earth is such a huge place and so far away. Why? She should have known better. Oh wait she did. Then why did she do it in the first place? She let our parents down. Now she gets to be a human. A normal person with no powers. She should have a good life down there though. We have these mirrors that we can check on her frequently with. I will miss her. She should have done the right thing and just walked away. She didn't need to retaliate. Especially since she knew the rules since we were babies. Everybody did.its not fair. Why couldn't Tetra have gone too. She was the one who started it. I know Jamie. She probably just wanted to finish it. She didn't have to do it so violently though.
She didn't need to finish it. Jamie leaves first thing in the morning. Her last night here. Ever. We stayed up for a bit. She was the first one to fall asleep. Then my parents. It was just me and James for a while. Then I fell asleep. I dont know how much longer James was awake for. I will miss her. She is leaving soon. Sadness. Bye

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