Eric: something crazy

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There was a tent. In the park that a boy named isaac was staying in cause he had no home. Just like Jamie. Jamie and Ryan set him up a little place to stay. I woke up this morning and went to the park. I met Tiana there. We heard Jamie talking to Isaac in the tent. We decided to eavesdrop. She was talking about remembering something. And about how Isaac likes her. How she had to explain to Ryan about snow in the room and powers. Isaac asked if she was going to tell Ryan about his powers. Then I stepped in. Tiana was shocked. "Powers?" they both looked at me. Jamie's face was shocked like Tiana. "I can explain." she said worriedly. "Just like you explained Ryan?" "uh" she paused for a second. "Yes?" she said quesionlike. I sat down and Tiana followed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened them and said "in not human." she explained how she came from noicheria and does have memories. She has ice powers and her twin has fire. I was confused at the twin part. She has a twin??????? Well. It surprised me. She talked about ones and no love. She said she had weird feelings for Ryan but never knew that it was love because she never felt it before. She explained, well, everything. Then Ryan showed up. "What's happening?" nobody spoke. "Uh, hello? Is anybody gonna answer me?" "I had to explain, everything." Jamie told him. "Oh." he said as his mood changed. He sat down. I was hesitant to believe it but she proved it. She made it snow in the tent. It was cool but still so crazy. We both ended up believing it. Then I asked a question that caused something. "What is this about Isaac and your one?" her face changed completely and she looked down. "Umm, Isaac was my one on moicheria." Ryan looked at her confused. "He was from moicheria too? And he was your 'one'?" "yeah, I was going to tell you but-" "but what? I.." he stopped for a second. Jamie stood up and took his hand and pulled him outside of the tent. They went and talked. The three of us made converataion while they were talking. They came back and all was ok again. Yeah.

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