Jamie: a new life awaits

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It been two months. I still have no memory. I learned something about myself. I like Justin. I think he likes me too. We have been hanging out a lot. I am living in his house after all. I love it here with Justin. I dont think I want my memories back cause then I will have to go home an i won't see Justin as much. I will be with my family. I just wonder one thing. If my parents were looking for me, how come I haven't seen any missing persons reports? If I weren't at home, shouldn't my parents worry? If not, they weren't very good parents and I would be glad to stay here. I went to the park with Justin. We sat on the bench talking and laughing. After a couple of minutes, we were in silence for a bit. He then turned to me and I turned to him. He slowly leaned in and kissed ne on the lips. I loved this feeling that I had. It was the feeling of love and I loved it. We went over to the swings and talked for a bit. We decided to go home but somebody familiar was over by the bench. He ran over towards us. "Jamie, you are coming with me." "who are you?" Justin asked. "I am somebody who is taking Jamie." "your trying to kidnap me?" I asked confused. "No your not." Justin said assuringly certain. "Yes, I am." he grabbed my hand and started to pull me away from Justin. "Let go of me!" I didn't know what to think. I WAS BEING KIDNAPPED!!!!!!! I was scared. Was he gonna kill me? Experiment on me? Is he an alien that wants to learn about humans so he wants to cut me open alive!!! So many thing were going through my head. "You may not believe me but I am you brother." "you're right, I dont believe you. Let me go!" "I can't. I need to take you home." u started to calm down a bit. Did I find my family? "I'm gonna go home?" "yes. We just need to find Ryan." "who's Ryan?" I asked him. He just sighed and kept walking still holding my hand.Justin eventually caught up to us. "Let go of her!" he yelled. "Justin, I think he is my family, he said his my brother." "how do you know his not a stalker or, worse?" "I dont know, he seems familiar though." we eventually came up to a road and we saw that guy that I hated in the park. We went through the whole process again where he thought he was being kidnapped. This guy took us back to the park. He told us to step up like there was a stair and surprisingly there was. As soon as we stepped on it, we could see an entire ship. He made us sit down. "WAIT! I need to say goodbye." I went out and said goodbye to Justin. I hated leavingbhim but I knew I had to go on this mysterious ship. It started to float when we were all sitting in it. We were going higher and as soon as we left the atmosphere, I got all my memories back. I hugged Ryan. I hated him. I dont know why. We saw moicheria, and I felt like I needed to go home. I saw my family and all was well again. But I do need to talk to the leader just once more. Until tomorrow!

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