Ryan: earth, again

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I got letter. It said that Jenna was my new one. Not cool. I went with Jamie and jenna to the leader. We talked to him but he refused to change it. Im stuck with Jenna. Not that that is a bad thing but still. I have to have a family with Jenna. Not my love. I remember on earth, she gave me a necklace. Its really important to me. I will keep this necklace throughout this. I was talking to Jamie. Once you have a one, you start hanging out with them more and others less. She will be spending time with Isaac and I will be with Jenna. I needed to speak with Jamie. I have a plan. A plan where we can be together. Forever. I met her in the field. She seemed upset. "Hey." "hey" she said sounding mellow. "I have a plan." "for what?" "for us to be together "how? We tried the counceler and the leader. What else can we do? Run away?" "yes." "what do you mean?" "I heard that the ship was being worked on. Its finished now. We can go back to earth." "that brilliant Ryan! Lets go now." we ran over to the place where you are supposed to get banished. We hopped in the ship hoping nobody saw us. We started the ship and left. We sat there talking for a few minutes. Then we saw earth approaching. "I hope we land where we did last time." she told me. "Me too." we noticed that we were able to choose the destination. I entered in California. Then we were about to hit earths atmosphere.


I woke up in the park. Confused. There was a girl next to me. She looked familiar but, I'm not sure. Two people cam up to us. They said their names were Eric and Tiana. I fell like I recognized them but, still, im not sure. I felt something in my pocket. There was a necklace in it. It felt important to me. I dont know from who but, I know it is very important to me. The girl next to me must have recognized the neclace before or something. She kept staring at it. She went to touch it a I pulled it back so she couldn't. I knew it was important somehow. I didn't want it broken. "Can I see it?" she asked me. "Well, I dont know, I feel this is very important but," "I recognize it from somewhere." I put it in my hand and let her see it. She went to touch it and I pulled back. She didn't realize she was hiding it so tightly and she broke it. All the beads went everywhere. "Im so sorry." she apologized. "That was important!" "who was it from?" she asked me. "I dont know but it was important." I all of a sudden felt some sort of hate for this girl. She made me mad. I was mad. she Broke my neclace. it was important. Somehow. All I know is i need to make some friends. I have only made an enemy. 😡

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