Ryan: learning the truth

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My goodness. This is crazy. I woke up to wind blowing outside. Iooked and I saw Jamie make a snowman from mid air. It was crazy. I wanted to go down there but on the way, I knocked over my chair. I went down anyways. I opened her door and it was snowing in her room. You can't imagine how I was feeling when I saw this. She told me she would explain. She comes from another planet, has ice powers, does have memories, and family, she was banished. It was a lot to take in. I believe her now. She really missed her family. She doesn't have love on her planet, so I showed her a bit of it. I love her. I truly do. She loves me too. I could tell before we kissed. She stuttered when she talked to me. Her cheeks would turn bright red. She liked me, but she didn't know it. I don't know how to explain this feeling but, I like it. I like her. No. I love her. She feels the same way. She admitted it. We told Eric and Tiana about the kiss. We didn't tell them about her powers. They wouldn't believe us unless she showed them but we couldn't show them cause other people were around. Eric and Tiana are so cute together. They said they same thing about me and Jamie. 😊. Learning about James powers was crazy. But that didn't change the way I felt about her. If anything it emphasized the feeling.

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