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So, nut much to say really. I live on moicheria with my twin sister, older brother, and my parents. Oh yeah. My parents have finally chosen the one. The one is the one you must start family with in the future. His name is William. We are friends so I don't think any problems will happen there. Jamie's is yet to be decided. James has the one too. Her name is sierra. They only have one year before they are married. Then about 4 till I will have a niece or a nephew. That will be exciting. Yeah. Jamie said she doesn't want to have the one. She wants to grow up life with no one but that's not how it works. She will have a one no matter what she wants. One of my friends accidentally lost her cloak the other day. She nearly killed another. That's Just 1/16th of what possibly could happen when you lose your cloak. She got let off with a warning but she needs to be more careful. I helped her find her cloak. When you lose it, your powers can't be put under control. Some have tried to control it for years without the cloak, some are still trying but are in a large locked building so nothing bad can happen. Everybody has failed. I dont know why the cloak stops out powers from going out of control but they do. We get them when we first start school. That's how we learn our powers. We all get regular black cloaks but when we first put them on, we can't take them off. Once they are put on for the first time, they change magically to a certain color that signifies your powers. Mine is bright orange. That is fire. Jamie has bright blue for ice. James has a transparent one. You can see it but you can see through it. It is white but you can see through it. He has invisibility.
Yeah. I haven't ever lost my cloak or taken it off unless I needed to. Jamie has once but nothing bad has happened. James has many times but he has invisibility so he just kept turning invisible and turning others invisible by accident. If his is off for to long, he can dissapear him or someone out of existence. His is dangerous as well. My parents have water powers. Its weird. Even though you and your one have the same powers, your children can have different powers. Yeah.

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