Jamie: Isaac

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After the dance, we went home. The next day, Ryan came in and woke me up with a kiss. We went to the park and a boy was there looking confused. "He,s just as confused as you were. Do you think..." Ryan said turning his face to look at me. "yeah, maybe." I told him. then I recognized him. ISAAC! "I know him. His name is Isaac." I said quietly. "Isaac? Who's that?" "he," I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him. "He was one of my old friends." I told him. I didn't want to lie to him but I didn't want to tell him. He could get jeleous and want me to stay away from Isaac and not talk to him. We walked up to him. "Hey are you ok?" I asked him like all was normal. "H-how did I get here." "we don't know, we just got to the park ourselfs." "I don't remember coming to the park." we helped Isaac. He didn't have a place to stay so we set up a tent in the park he could stay in. "Not the best but it will work until we find something. It started to get dark so we left. While I was in my bed, I thought, how could Isaac have gotten banished? Was it one of tetra's evil doings? Oh well. The next day, I was up before Ryan so I decided to go see Isaac. He was already awake. He was smiling at me. He was also still wearing his cloak. "Hey Jamie." "hi Isaac." he was still smiling. He seemed comfortable around me already. "Do you remember me? What am saying. You lost your memories. Nevermind." I stood there in shock as I knew he now had his memories back. "Here, let me explain. You may not believe me but its true." "no, no, Isaac stop. I know already. I have my memories too." he smiled. "Then you know that we are meant to be together." "yeah, but in Moicheria. Not here. I have a boyfriend already." "you may bit have noticed but, I like you. I have liked you ever since I learned that we will be married." "but not any more ok? We are on earth now. Do me a favor." "yes, anything." "don't tell Ryan that I was your one. I told him everything." "you shouldnt have. He is human." "I couldnt just not tell him when he walked into a room, snowing in the middle of November." "but its February." "I know. He learned in November though." "ok. Are you going to tell him about my powers?" "Im not sure, I feel like we should. But, that's up to you. They are your powers." I told him. "Powers." I turned around. Oh no!

To be continued...

Who do you think was there? Let me know in the comments😊

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