Jamie: counceler

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I went to the counceler the next day. "Hello sir" I said. "Hello Jamie, why have you come to see me." "well, you are the only one who can bend the rules." "yes, what is the issue?" "well, on earth I discovered something." "what?" he picked up a few papers and put them in a drawer. "Well, I love Ryan." "ok. And what does that have to do with me?" "would you be able to change the rule or something? I can't think about being away from Ryan." " sorry Jamie, in afraid I can't do that. I recently changed the rule for that." "what's the new rule?" "it isn't your parents choice anymore for your one. It is now the leader of moicheria." "is it still same power?" "yes, with somembody of your own powers. That is how it will work." "how long until it can be changed again." "90 years." "really? That long?" "I'm sorry Jamie. I can't change the rules now." I got up. "Well, thanks for your time sir." "no problem Jamie." I left about to cry. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I went home and sat on my old bed. "You ok?" Jenna asked me. "Yeah... No" "what is wrong?" "I can't be with ryan." "oh yeah. The rule was changed. I'm so sorry Jamie." Ryan went back to his family and reunited with them. I went with my family. At least we can see eachother everyday. That's good. I still felt sad. A few weeks passed and all went ok. Isaac was still my one but he want my boyfriend. Ryan and I were still dating but we were seeing eachother less and less. When you have a one, you have to spend a lit of time with them to get used to it. There was a letter in the mail for Jenna. You now get a letter in the mail for who your one is. If it is for someone else, you can't read it until the person who it is for reads it. "But she already has a one?" I wondered to myself. I wanted to read it so I did. I opened it feeling anxious cause I knew I want supposed to read it. I read it cautiously and slowly till I read something that made my heart start racing. I started reading faster till I reached the end. I closed it up and ran to my bedroom and cried myself to sleep.

To be continued
What do you think was on the letter? Let me know in the comments!!

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