Jamie: Earth

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In the ship now. Waving good bye to my family. It takes about 10 minutes to get to earth with our technology. As soon as I enter the atmosphere of earth, my memories will be erased and my powers will be taken away. I will be human. I won't even remember my family. I'm not ready to let go. On the way, I made it snow in the ship. A tear came down my face, as I wasn't ready to get rid of my powers. I wiped it away and took a deep breath. I got rid of the snow as I saw earth approaching. My family, friends, everything will be gone as soon as I enter the atmosphere. Maybe it could be  good for me. A chance to restart. Redo everything. Make a good impression. New friends, teachers, other stuff. I could do sports. We dont have sports in moicheria do i could learn and try. I'm trying to look on the bright side of going to earth. I could look at all the downsides but then I will just cry. Earth is nearing. Entering in 10... 9... 8... I'm ready. 6... 5.. 4... Ok 3... 2... 1...

To be continued

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