Jamie: school

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Ryan said that I have to start school. Now that I have my memories back, I am worried for what regular school will be like. I still have the mind of a 15 year old in school and stuff but they gave me back my memories cause my powers weren't taken away. I have to wear this cloak everywhere. It is gonna get hot. See in moicheria, the is not hot or cold. It is all just a perfect temperature that the cloaks won't make you hot in. Even if you are running. That's just how it works. Earth actually has seasonal changes so it gets hot and cold on this humongusly large planet. I went to school and there was nowhere near as many classrooms as our school had. Plus it was much smaller. In our school, it is every age in one school. Each age has its own section of the school. Every power has its own classroom in their age section as well. Yeah. This school is tiny compared to my old one. I wonder what my family is doing. What there up to. I dont know. I was in class, then I missed my family. I miss them. I want to go home. I have to stay here cause I was banished. I need to keep my powers under control. If you dont practice them frequently, they can go out of control. After school, I was in my bedroom, well, Ryan's guest bedroom that I am staying in. I made it snow in the room. It was beautiful. I frosted the carpet and. Created a small breeze in the room. Ryan opened the door and I got rid of all the snow and everything before he saw. He came and sat down. He smiled at me. I got that weird feeling inside me. I have never felt anything like it before that one time where I couldn't look away from his eyes. I dont know what this feeling is but it is really weird. I know that I have never felt thin on moicheria. Is it some earth thing? I guess it must be. "Hey Jamie." "h-hey" I said. This felling was making me stutter. Why? "W-What's up?" I asked him. "Nothing really. I just wanted to talk." "ok. A-about what." "how your first day went." "umm, p-pretty good I guess." he wouldn't stop smiling. His smile was perfect. He had these cute dimples and everytime I looked at him, I felt my face get hotter. His cheeks were also a light pink. What does this mean? I was so confused. What was this feeling? "That's good" "so is that all y-you wanted to t-talk about?" "well that's all I came for but if there is something you want to talk about, be my guest." I was so tempted to tell about my powers. I wasn't sure if I should though. This has never happened where ones powers Failed to be taken away. Do i tell somebody? Do I keep it secret? Do I tell everybody? Probably not but I didnt know what to do. "No not really." I told him. "Ok, if you need anything, come over to the house and I can help. Just knock on the door." the guest house was in his backyard so I was to knock on his back door if I needed something. "Ok" he left. I was alone now.

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