Jamie: my choice

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I made a decision. "I think I want to go home." Ryan looked down. "Yeah, family first." "I'm sorry Ryan. I wish I could stay but once they learn the news that I can cone home, they will feel betrayed if I say no." "really, its ok Jamie." he said putting his hand on my face. I put my hand on his and smiled a bit. "Thanks for being understanding Ryan. I'm sorry everyone." surprisingly everybody was understanding. The next day seemed to come so quickly. I woke up and got ready. I made sure my cloak looked good. I made sure that I looked presentable for my family. Noon came and we went to the park. Me and Isaac saw the ship. Humans can't see it but we could. We were ready. I needed to say goodbye to everybody first. I aproachedbtiana and hugged her. "Tiana, you have been a great friend and I'm sad to leave you." "I'm sad for you to leave. U hope that in someway we will be able to see eachother again." we hugged one more time. I went over to Eric. "Bye Eric. Thanks for being supportive." "I hope I can see you again." we hugged and I went over to Ryan. He looked really sad. Like he was about to cry. "Its ok Ryan." "I know, you were my first true love. A dream come true." he stated. "Well, all dreams must come to an end. I feel the same way. You were the first person I ever felt love with. The one where I discovered something that doeant even exist on my planet." "I love you Jamie." "I love you two Ryan." we kissed as our goodbye. I went over to Isaac. "You ready?" he nodded his head. We turned around to say goodbye to everybody. "Any last words?" Isaac asked. "Goodbye Jamie." Tiana said. "Have a Great  time with your family." Eric said. "I dont know what to say." Ryan said. "I guess, goodbye." "goodbye everyone." I said to everybody. "The ship is much smaller than I expected." Ryan said. "Yeah, on moicheria we dont need something huge. It can get us to earth and back so..." I paused for a moment. "Wait, Ryan?" "yeah." "you can see the ship." "uhh" he didn't know what to say. "How can you see the ship? You only can see it if you have powers from moicheria."

To be continued

Sorry for leaving these on cliffhangers. I think they are fun. Stay tuned!!

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