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 Y/N's P

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 Y/N's P.O.V

* Checks the time* Wow I woke late as crap. It's 12:54 pm. I was supposed to be up at 10 so I could find a job. I then get up out of bed and head to the shower. When I finish my shower I brush my teeth and wash my face.

Y/N: Hmmmmm..... What should I wear today?

Something casual I guess. But not too casual. Hmm something nice though.

Finally. I found a decent outfit for the day.

After putting on my clothes, doing my hair, and finally light makeup , I run downstairs, grab a chocolate chip muffin ( oh shush, it's still good for breakfast) and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge

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After putting on my clothes, doing my hair, and finally light makeup , I run downstairs, grab a chocolate chip muffin ( oh shush, it's still good for breakfast) and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. Deciding to walk today, I then headed out the door.

-25 minutes later-

As I walked past an alley, I heard faint talking. It's probably best that I mind my business.

???- Where's my money?

??? (2)- Please just give me another day. I've been struggling with my son . It's just me and him.

What's going on? Ok I know I said I should mind my business but no child should ever have to live without their parents. All by themselves.

I then walk into the alley and see 3 men surrounding one man on the ground with a gun to his head. I then gasp but the quick key covers my mouth and hide behind a dumpster. Ew.

???- What was that sound ( in Korean )

What did he just say? Oh well I don't care. I'm calling the police. I then decide to think smart and put my earplugs and dial the police.

911: hello , 911 . What is your emergency ?

Y/n: Umm yes there is a group of guys about to kill someone.

911: Ok can you please give us the location?

Y/n: Yes it-

???: Well hello there

Oh my fucking god. I don't even need to respond back. Just run. And that's exactly what I did. I ran and ran till I couldn't run anymore. I stopped in front of a restaurant that seemed to be hiring and paid well. Catching my breath, and realizing my main focus of the day, I then walked in and walked to a waiter. Look, I feel bad for that man and i'm sure the police will be there soon, especially since they know I called the cops.

Y/n: Hello. I saw the paper on the front that says your hiring.

Waiter: Oh yes right this way please.

He then leads me to a table and asks me to wait one moment. A tall Asian man then walks to the table and greets me.

Him: Hey I'm Kai. The owner of this restaurant. One of my waiters told me you were looking to be hired.

Y/n: Yes please. I'm in need of a job. I was walking past ( more like running) and saw that you guys were hiring.

Kai: Ok I just need your name, age, date of birth, and your phone number. Also do you know how to cook ?

Y/n: My name is Y/F/N I'm 17 years old . My birthday is November 29th. And yes I do know how to cook.

Kai: Ok you're hired.

Y/n: Really?! There were no extra questions, no examination, no drug tests? Do I have to undergo any training?

Kai then chuckles and replies.

Kai: No training. You can start tomorrow. Try to be here by 5 pm. If you'll be late, just call the restaurant.

Out of happiness I then hug him and thank him.

Checking the time, I saw it was getting pretty late and I should be heading back home.

Y/n: Ok well I should go ahead home now it's getting late. See you tomorrow boss.

Kai: Just call me Kai. See you tomorrow.

I then left and headed straight home .As I was walking I noticed there's a poster on the door of a bubble tea shop. Hmmm K-trap and R&B. Dean, Jay Park, Crush, Christian Yu, and Sik K as well as lots more. I don't know anything about this stuff. Oh well. As I reach my door I take out my keys and open my door. I then walk up to my room and take out my pajamas and take a nice hot shower. Wow what happened today was crazy. What happened to that man, is he ok? Hopefully. When I get out the shower I then dry off and slip into my pjs then brush my teeth and wash my face. I then slip into bed and get on YouTube and watch some of my favorite YouTubers until I fall asleep.

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