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Y/n P.O.V

when I smiled at dean he smiled back . He then came towrds me and grabbed my hands. I guessed he noticed me stiffen a bit cause he soon then caressed both my hands. I looked at him and noticed him looking at me . I know I probably said this a million times but he is just soooo good looking . Before I knew it ... his lips were on mine. After about 10 seconds I couldn't breath so I pulled out of the kiss and reached the surface of the water. I then saw all the guys with a shocked expression on their face but a little bit of jealousy on their faces as well .

Me: -blushes- whaaaaaaaaaattttt???!!!

Crush: we saw that.....

Dean then reached the surface and looks at me then the guys.

Dean: what?

Crush: ......... dudeeeeeeeee

I then hop out the water and try my self off .

Dean: are you ready to head back to the condo ?

Me: yea . But instead I'm going to my house I need to get in the shower.

Dean: okay . I'll come with.

Me: ok. Are the rest of you guys coming as well .

Crush: we will meet you guys there . We are going to shower too.

Dean: as a matter fact . Do you mind if I stop past the condo to grab some clothes .

Me: no problem. You can shower at my house . I have a second bathroom.

At y/n's house-

Dean: you live in this big house all by your self?

Dean: you live in this big house all by your self?

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Me: yes.

We then go inside the house and I show dean where the second bathroom is and then head to my bathroom in my room. After my shower I wrap the towel around my body and head over to my closet to pick out something to wear. As I was picking out an outfit I head a knock on my door. Turned around so fast I almost fell.

Dean: hey ...........

Omg he doesn't have any clothes on and .... omg...... his hair was still damp and so was he .

Me: ........

Dean then came in and closed the door

Me: what are you doing .

Dean the walked over to me.

Me: dean I don't have on any clothes

With every step he took i steb back until my back eventually hit the wall. As I felt my face getting hotter and hotter , I looked down . Omg why is he here . I don't have on any clothes . And .... I look ...... a mess. I then felt dean thumb and Index finger on my chin and he made me look up at him . He then passionately kissed me and of course I kissed back. I then felt his hands move to my lower back then to my waist. I then felt him tug at my towel and i kept a tight grip on my towel. Dean then pulled from the kiss and saw how red my face was . He then leaned down to whisper in my ear.

Dean: what's wrong .

Me: I've ...... never uhm....

Dean then caressed the small of my back and said " don't worry I'll be gentle"

I then nodded a bit and dean then pulled off my towel then stepped back a little to take a look at me . I felt like I was about to explode. Dean then but his lip then missed me again with even more passion then the last time.
He then dropped his towel and grabbed my hand. He then put my hand down there ....... and boy was " it" big.

He then picked me up and pushed me against the wall. Next thing you know his mouth was down on my sensitive area.

I then closed my eyes tightly and let out a small moan. As I was about to moan out again ....

??: OOHHHHH..... MY ....... GOD.

I then opened my eyes to see sik k standing there with a bag full of food.
My face was so red I could have easily been mistaken for a tomato . After about 10 seconds I head more footsteps rushing to the room and dean had out me down and looked pissed off.


Haha.... a little smutty huh?

What She Didn't Know/ Dean x Reader FF AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now