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Like an hour later all the guys came to see me. Jay was the first to hug me.

Jay: YN... Do you feel better.

I then nodd my head.

Me: yea i feel a bit better.

The guys then hand me a get well soon card, alot of balloons and jaxx.

K: smile babygirl.

I then smiled big and all the guys took a picture of me. The doctor then came in the room.

Doc: ok so YN. You are released.

He then turns to dean and the guys.

Doc: make sure she gets alot of rest and isnt on her feet too much. But i can tell that all of you guys will take good care of her.

Dean and the guys thank the doctor and dean hands me my PINK bag with some clothes in it. After i get dressed i het up and walk out. Soon as i walk put the room dean looks at me.

 Soon as i walk put the room dean looks at me

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Dean: come on. Get on my back

I then get on his back and we leave and go home.

At home_____

Dean lays me in my bad and asks jay and crush to go to the store to pick up a few things.

Dean: baby... Im sooo sorry i wasnt there to help you. I should've been there.

Deans POV___

who did this to her. She said it was some one who i was talking to... But who. I swear im going to kill who ever did this.

Me: k . can i talk to you for a bit. In private.

K then nods his head and we leave YNs room.

Me: you know what im going to do when i find out-

How can i be so stupid. It was christian. He was the only one who i didnt introduce to YN and he wasnt there after the incident.

Me: it was Christian. Im going to kill him.

K: it was christian? Wait he still be wit Chanyeol. Does he have something to do with it?

Me: yea.... Yn told me she saw him at the restaurant and at the oark when she was walking the dog. He asked for her number and she told him no... That i wouldn't agree with it.

Jay: hey whats going on.

I then turn towards jay. I didnt even hear them come in.

Me: we gotta make a trip.

Crush: what kinda trip.

Me: .... I know who did it.


What ... They are gonna kill some one. No. They cant. They will end up in jail... For ever. I could feel the teafs start to well up in my eyes. I then get up and head over to the door and open it slowly.

YN: Please dont.....

Jay's POV___

YN: Please dont.....

Aw shit. She heard what we were talking about.

YN: dont kill any one ... Cuz then ypu will end up in jail... And ill be all by myself... Again.

Again... Didnt she move here with family. She couldnt have traveled here all by herself

Me: again?

YN's POV___

Again...why did i say that.

Dean: What do you mean again. Didnt you move to LA with family?

I then shook my head.

Me: im going back to bed.

Dean's POV____

She didn't?. She must not want to talk about it. Why is there so much hoing on. YN then heads back in her room and shuts the door. I rhen motion the guys to come down stairs with me.

Me : im going to get rid of them both. Either that or the leave the U.S.

Jay: what about what YN sa-

Me: look... I know ... But... They have to pay. And we cant get the police involved because im already in some deep shit with them. Ive been trying to lay low.

While i was talking i was getting the ingredients ready so i could make YN some soup. I just want my baby safe.

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