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Dean's POV_

I feel really bad for YN. I know she's gonna go through a lot during her pregnancy. But I will be here with her all the way through it. When I looked at YN she was sleep.  Damn that quick.  It wasn't even 5 minutes that she just puked in the bathroom. I should take her to the room.  After I lay her in her bed I go back downstairs with the guys.

Jay: YN is gonna want a baby shower.  But who would she invite.  She don't got no home girls...  Well at least that's what I've seen.

Me: if she wants one we are going to be there. And of course my family.  I wonder how is my mother going to react when I tell her this.

Crush: what...  That's for girls.  Not guys. What the fuck do I look like. I wouldn't mind just stopping by and dropping off some stuff for my niece or nephew but...  I'm not staying...  Unless there is cake and some fine looking ladies.

K: I really don't care.  As long as YN is happy I'm fine with it.

Jay: same.

Me: you are an ass crush. That's why your always getting beat up. I was thinking that on Saturday we should take YN to Korea.  I want her to meet my parents. We can come back Tuesday.

Jay: yea sounds nice.

K: you already know them boy groups gonna be looking at YN.

Me: them little ass boys better stay out her damn face.  I don't want to have to fuck up nobody's bias.

K then laughs. I'm being honest. I wonder how my parents are going to react when I tell them.  Hopefully my mother won't take off her shoe and hit me with it.  I could see YN holding in her laughs now.

Me: I can't wait till we find out weather the child is a boy or a girl.

All the guys agree.

K: Do you want the child to be raised here?

Me: to be honest...  No.  I don't want my child to grow up here. I kinda want my child to grow up in Korea. I feel as though he/ she will be close to more family. And I already know my parents are gonna want the child with them a lot anyways.

Jay: that's how grandparents are. But also think about your fans. And think about paparazzi and all the shit. YN is not gonna like that.

Me : That's why YN is gonna stay out of all that publicity.

K: but think about it.  People are gonna  go d out one way or another.  And not only that.  You guys have been hanging out in public already here in the states and its gonna press quickly.  People over the may already know about you and YN.

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