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( XDJiminIsMyDaddyXD thank you soooo much .) ( pretend one of the girls are you )

As I finish dancing every one is quite and I start to feel a little nervous.

Me: wow . Was it that horrible

Crush : mmmm. .. damn girl. You can dance like that.

Me: haha.  Really . Cuz you guys look .... really shocked .

Jay: that's because we didn't really think you can dance that good .

Me : haha .

I then revise a message a d check to see who it came from.

Kai: hey y/n I wanted to ask you if you could come to work at about 5 today .

Me: yea

Wear something nice we are having more special guest . You friends must have told everyone about you . There is people hear asking about you , asking you to cook for them and it's getting kinda out of hand . Please wear something nice.

I then check the time .. 3:45.

Me: I'm on my way . I'm going to get dressed  

Kai: it's only 3:45

Me : no it's ok here I come
I then put my phone in my bag.

Me:..... what did you guys do .

Everyone but jay park looks at me confused .

Me: jaaayyyy.  What did you do .

Jay: I ... may have....... talked about you .... on my Instagram .... hehe

Me: wow . We'll thanks for all the customers . I have to rush to work now . I'll see you guys later .

I then rush home to get dressed

I then rush home to get dressed

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Don't mind the kpop stuff)

I hope this isn't too much   after I get dressed I hurry up and drive to work .

As soon as I get there I step out of my car and see a huge line in front of the restaurant . Omg. I then walk up to the door and hear some one say
" wow   she really is beautiful"
And another person says " damn.  She sexy asf"
I then blush and head into the restaurant.  I then quickly spot kai and head over to him

Me: wow .there is a lot of people here

Kai: yea thanks to you and your friends.

I looked at him and could see the happiness all over his face . Then I started taking down orders and serving foo.

9:30 pm

I am exhausted . And ready to leave .

Kai: before you go we have one more guest is that ok?

Me: of course

He then givese the table number and I head over to the table . When I get there I see dean sitting by him self.

Me:  oh hey dean

Dean: hey .

Me: what can I get for you .

Dean : .. hmmm what's your favorite meal .

Me: I like the lobster soup. It's really good . We'll at least I think it is and a lot of people tend to get it .

Dean: well can I have two orders of the lobster soup

Me: ok ... wait two . Who are you here with ?

He just smiled and it was soooo sexy. He is sexy .... fuck it.  I think I'm catching feelings .

I head to the back to prepare his food . I wonder who is the second plate for though ... oh well I guess it a none of my buisness.

After I finish making the food I then serve the good

Me: well I hope you and your guest enjoy your good .
I then smile and start to walk away ready to leave.

Dean's P.O.V

Me: where are you going. Have a seat.

I then gesture to the seat across from me . She then turns and looks at me ki da surprised

Y/n: huh?

Me: I had ordered this for us . I knew you would have been tried from a long day at work .

Y/n: oh okay thank you so much . I'll help pay.

She then sits down.

Me: no its ok. You are so sweet . I know your boyfriend must love you.

Y/n: well really ... I don't have a boyfriend . I kinda live on my own .

Me: oh I'm sorry .

Y/n: it's ok

Me: listen .... you are very beautiful . And I was wondering if we could maybe get to know each other a little bit more .

Y/n's P.O.V

Omggggggggggggggggggggg . What do I say . I mean .yea I wanna get to know him . He is so handsome and nice .

Me: of course . Why not .

He then grabs my hand and caresses it .

Later that night-

After we are we talked for a bit then it was time for me to head home and Dean walked me to my car and helped me into the car .

Dean : I had a nice time . Goodnight beautiful

Me: thanks dean . I had a nice time too . Goodnight.

I then drove home and slipped into the shower and gets into bed .


About time we got some of that dean x reader stuff going on

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