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Awwww i left ypu guys with a cliffy ..... By accident . Mianae. Love you guys. 


Hmm i wanna wear something ....... Nice ( sexy). Hmmm lets see what we have here. As i was rummaging through my closet i couldnt find anything ..... Sooooo... I turned to the bags that Dean bought and i found exactly what i needed.

After taking my shower and getting dressed i head downstairs to start cooking

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After taking my shower and getting dressed i head downstairs to start cooking. Im in the mood for pasta and ill just whip up some brownies for dessert.

 Im in the mood for pasta and ill just whip up some brownies for dessert

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Dean should be here any minute i say as I check the time

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Dean should be here any minute i say as I check the time. As i was setting up everything i heard the doorbell. I then went to look through the peephole and this person does not look like dean. 

Me: How may i help you???

??: Yes im looking for Y/N.

I then open the door to see a hansome man.

I then open the door to see a hansome man

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Me: Yes?

He stays silent for a bit looking me up and down.

??: where is he??

I look at him comfused. He then pulls out a gun and I immediately slam the door in his face and lock the door. WTF. OMG .... WHAT DO I DO. You know what it time to be a big girl and put on my big girl pants. I then lock all the windows and the back door. I headed upstairs to my bathroom and pull out my gun safe. Kai said I would need it.

Dont ask me why its gold and bedazzled

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Dont ask me why its gold and bedazzled. I go into my room and look out the window. I see that guy in front of his car talking to someone then he points to my house and sees me in my window. I then duck down and head into my safe room. Only me and dean know the password 11101992.

I headed over to the cameras and i see someone picking the lock to the back door

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I headed over to the cameras and i see someone picking the lock to the back door. I then pull out my phone and call dean. It rings but he doesnt answer. WTH Dean. As i was flipping through the monitors i came across one with SOMEONE PUTTING IN THE CODE TO THE SAFE ROOM. I hide under the table with my gun ready. I was trying my best not to breath so hard. Some one then walks by the table. My heart started to poumd against my chest loud and hard.  They then be d down and i was about to shoot.

Dean: YN!!! Put that down .

Still startled a bit i put the gun down and sigh.

Deans's POV.

As I entered the safe room I could hear her heavy breathing . Its coming from under the table.  I bend down to look under the table and i see YN safe ....... And with a gun ready to shoot me. 

Me: YN!!! Put that down.

She was shaking really badly. I then mo ed the table and picked YN up.and sat her on the sofa. I took the gun from her and put it on the side of my pants.

Dean: YN. Ill be right back . stay in here.


I didnt answer back. I didnt make any movement.

What She Didn't Know/ Dean x Reader FF AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now