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When the soup was finish I took it up to YN's room. As i entered her room i noticed she wasnt in ber bed. Now why the hell isnt she in her bed.

Me: YN?

YN: im in the bathroom.

Me: well i made you soup.

YN: bring it back here.

I then walk to the bathroom. The door was open so i jjst walked right in. YN was in the bath. Her hair was wet as if she just washed it. I then bend down to hand her the soup.

She then looks at me. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying.

Me: why were you crying? Does it have to do with what you brumg up earlier?

She then nodded her head.

Me: why dont you tell me about that.

YN's POV___

Me: When i was about thirteen. My dad died in the military. Me my mom and him were in a video chat and while he was talking. They heard a crash. Then another, but that time it was a bomb. And it was right by him...... My mom was emotionally depresssed and upset. She wpuldnt eat or even leave her room. She soon started doing drugs. About a year later she left. And i had to live with my grand mom. She took good care of me a while until she died of a heart attack.I never knew where my mom went. No one did.  I was all by my self. I had to take care of my self and still go to school. But i made sure to always do well no matter my situation and ended up graduating highschool early. So i decided to come here. Get a new start. All the way on the other side of the U.S.

I tried my best not to cry. Ive already cried enough. No need in crying more. Dean then kisses my forehead. Thens lefts my head up with his finger on my chin.

Dean: Baby... Im not going anywhere. Ever. Me and you will always be together. Im sooo sorry about what you had to go through.

He then kisses me and gives me a big hug though i was in the bath and his shirt got wet.

After my bath i got dressed and headed down stairs with the guys.

After my bath i got dressed and headed down stairs with the guys

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Jay: shouldnt you be in bed chocolate drop.

I then giggle at the new nane given to me.

Me: im not tired anymore. I want to be down here with you guys.

As i was about to sit next to dean he pulled me on his lap. I was about to shift a bit to make my self comfortable but he whispered in my ear.

Dean: dont move.


Jay: guys lets watch a movie.

Me: i dont wanna watch any scary movies.

K: well lets watch..... Train to busan. Its not really scary its just has zombies and stuff in it. Its really good though.

Me: hmm. Sounds good. Lets watch it.

K then puts on the movie and we turn off all the lights.

Me: hmm crush?

Crush: uea wassup lil mama?

Me: theres a closet right by my room. Could you grab me a blanket. If you guys want one you can grab one too.

Crush: ok ill be right back.

Crush then returned with the blankets and handednon to me and i put it over me and dean. Sat on the other chair and the guys sat on the floor. Forgetting what dean said i shifted a bit to get comfortable. I then hear dean grunt a bit.

Me: what....what did i do?

Dean: baby I told you not to move.

Me: im sorry i forgot.

About 5 minutes later felt dean rub my tummy a bit. Then his hand slides down towards the zipper on my pants and he slowly unzippens them.

Me: D-

He then whispers in my ear

Dean: shhhh

What She Didn't Know/ Dean x Reader FF AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now