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Lee gi kwang's POV__

So.. His girlfriend is pregnant. It was bound to happen. How did i found out? Shiii... I know people and people hear stuff. I should probably pay them a visit.

YN's POV____

When i woke up i went down stairs and snuck into the kitchen to see if i could find some snacks.

Me:  hmm lets see.

While looking in the cabinet i came across a king size hershey bar. Right when i opened it and was about to take a bite. It got snatched put my hand.

Me: what the..

I then look and see dean with my candy bar high up in the air where he knows i cant reach it.

Me: deannnnn. Gimmie

Dean: what did i tell you about eating healthy

Me: that i should eat healthy so our baby coould be healthy.

Dean: exactly... But ... If you do well this week then i might get you something.

Me: like what??

Dean: idk yet. We'll see.

Me: where are the guys?

Dean: they are in the livingroom sleep.

Me:im gonna go mess with them.

Dean then laughs and i run into the main room where they are. The first person my eyes layed on was jay. Awww he looks so cute when hes sleep. I then snuck my way over to him then layed next to him. Hmmmm what should i do? Oooh i know.

Me: OH MY GOD!!!

All the guys then wake up and i pretend to cry.


jay then picks me up and grabs my keys to my car.


Everyone but dean rushes to the car.

K: where the fuck it dean.

Me: oh my god. My tummy hurts so bad.

I pretend to cry even more. My acting is good asf. I got the tears all streaming down my face.

Crush: what the hell. You know what lets go we are leaving him.

Jay then begins to drive. This is where the show ends. I began to laugh and jay pulls the car over and everyone gives me death glares.

Jay: wtf ... YN. You were playing this whole time. I swear you are lucky that you are a pregnant girl.

K: no one is here to save you so guess what?

Me: huh.... What did i do. My tummy really was hurting

K: then begans to tickle me non stop.

I cant help but laugh. I hate being tickled though.

Me: stop stop. Im sorry.

K then stops tickling me and we go back to my house. When we entered the house dean looked at me then at the guys.

Dean: why is her face red.

Me: they tickled me.

Dean the laughs and takes me in his arms

Dean: awwww... My poor baby.

Me: im hungry.

Dean: ok what do you want for.... Wait nevermind . have a seat at the table.

20 minutes later i was half asleep sitting the the table. Dean then put a plate of salmon, brussle sprout and macn cheese on the table. And it look delishhh.

Me: mmm this looks good.

I then grab my fork and take a bite. And it is good. Dean can really cook.

Me: this is really good.

Crush then comes over and grabs my fork and takes a bite of MY food. Wt..... Oooh he is really gonna get it.

Me: why would you do that

Crush: -mocking me- why would you do that.

He then tries to walk away and i run and jump on his back making him fall on the sofa. I then slap him and get up. All they guys were staring by then.

Jay: havent you learned?

Crush: its always me getting beat up. And yall didnt even help.

I then walk back over to my food and eat the rest of it

What She Didn't Know/ Dean x Reader FF AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now