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Ah... Finally. I don't really have to use the bathroom. I just need a little bit of space to my self. For some reason i kept feeling eyes on me. While im in the bathroom just thinking with my head hanging low slouched over the sink. The bathroom door opens. Thinking that it was dean i didnt move. The person puts there hands on my hips.

??: YN

Wait thats not dean. I quicky stand up and push the person off of me. Its that guy that was talking to him?

Me: what do you want? I say with a firm voice

??: well me and my buddies want you. Either we do this the easy way.... Or the hard way. You tell me.

I then kick him in the balls and make a run for it. Shit which way back to the main room. Soon i felt him grab my hair and pull me down to the grown. I then yell put in pain. And put of anger i punched him in his face and got on top of him hitting him repeatily. He then flips me over and begans to drag me by my hair to another room. Once im able to get up i get a hold of my self.

??: mm... You're a fighter. I like that.

I took advantage of this time and dicided to clip him making him fall on the ground the make a run for it. As i make it near the main room i run into someone.

??: woah woah. YN what happened. Why does it look like ypu were fighting. your bleeding.

I couldnt even make a sound. My head was hurting really badly. As jay led me back to where everyone else was everyone fell silent.

Jay: where is dean? DEAN!!?? We need to get her to a hospital.

Dean then rushes over to us. The last thing i see was a tear roll down hus face and everything went black

What She Didn't Know/ Dean x Reader FF AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now