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When i was finish i went and sat next to dean and snuggled up against him.

K: have yall though about names.

Me: well ... No ... Not really.

Dean: if its a girl i want her name to be Jelaminah. And if its a boy i want his name to be Jaylen.

Me: awww ... Those names sound cute.

K: yea i like them.

I then look over to crush and jay. When i look at crush he looks away still mad with me and i smirk.

Jay: those names sound dope.

Dean: so babe..... We have this concert coming up... And its here.

Me: when is it?

Dean: its later this week. Friday. I want you to be there.

Me: uhm.... Ok sure. Why not.

After i say that i lay my head on his chest and he plays in my hair. I cant wait till we find out the sex of the baby. My baby is going to have a loving family weather its big or small. Im glad i have enough space for the baby to have its own room.

Jay: YN?

Me: yes?

Jay: would you mind moving to korea. Not that we are planning to but i just wanted to know.

Me:..... Idk

Dean: i think it would be better for you and the baby. I want you both away from here. Ive got you involved in so much and i dont want you involved in it anymore.

Dean then rubs my back. I realky dont know. I like it here even though ive been introduced to so many people both good and bad. Ughh i dont feel so well. I feel like i have to-. Beodre i could even fi ish that though i rush to the bathroom to throw up.

Dean then comes in after me and rubs my back and hold my hair.

Me: ugh. I feel horrible.

Dean: I'm sorry.

Me: what for?

Dean: this is kinda my fault. 

Me: no it's not.  It takes two to make one.  We both made this baby.

Dean: and we both are gonna take care of the baby.

Me: of course.

Dean then kisses my forearm and Inger up so I could brush my teeth and wash my face.

Dean: I'll be in the livingroom.

He then leaves out. I'm not even gonna lie.  I'm scared.  I've heard things about people loosing there babies through miscarriages and women dying during birth. What if that happens to me.  I try to push those thoughts out of my head as I head to the living room.

When I enter the main room I sit on the sofa inbetween Dean and Jay. Dean reaches around me and rubs my shoulder. 

What She Didn't Know/ Dean x Reader FF AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now