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Why does it feel like some one is staring at me . I then decide to open my eyes and I then see dean staring right in my face .

Dean: do you like the nacklace?

Necklace ?? I then look at my chest to see the necklace and also notice I don't have any clothes on but then quickly remember last night .

Necklace ?? I then look at my chest to see the necklace and also notice I don't have any clothes on but then quickly remember last night

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Connected to a gold chain)

Me: this is .... beautiful . Thank you dean.

I then give him a fight hug and he lets go a bit and kisses me .

Dean: I think it looks nice on you.

I then chuckle a bit and pay back down.

Dean: oh yea one more thing .

Dean then whistles and crush walk through the door with a tray full of breakfast and sits it on the bed . In the pancakes it says - Be Mine ~ Please-

Me: yes if course dean .

Crush: awwwww how cute .

I then see a flash and notice jay with his phone .

Me: jaaaayyyyy .... no delete it .

Jay then laughs .

Me: I need you guys to st so out so I can get dressed .

Everyone then leaves out and I sit the tray of food in my nightstand  . I then slip on some clothes .

After I slip on my clothes I sneak out into the hallway and see jay standing up in the living room facing the window

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After I slip on my clothes I sneak out into the hallway and see jay standing up in the living room facing the window. I then run and jump on his back making him fall on the sofa and letting out a girlish scream. I then start to playfully beat him up.

Jay: heeeelllpppp..... heeeeelllllpppppp

Me: delete the pic.

Jay: neeeevvveeeerrrrrr.

Dean then comes and scoops me off of him as he's walking past .

Dean: the picture is cute let's keep it .

Me: dean ... the only thing that was on me was the blanket.

Dean: so it's not like anyone is going to see it.

Me : I guess ... fine

Dean then pecks my lips and puts me down on the sofa and hands me the tray of breakfast that was still warm .

Me: dean this is a lot of food . Can we share?

Dean: of course babygirl.

What She Didn't Know/ Dean x Reader FF AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now