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I wake up to the sound of someone calling my phone

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I wake up to the sound of someone calling my phone . I then check to see who's calling and it's an unsaved number .

Y/n: Hello?

???: Hey it's me, Kai. I was just calling to ask if you would mind coming on at 4 pm today?

Y/n: Hey. Sure, I don't mind at all. See you later.

Kai: OK See you soon.

I then hang up and get up and get dressed so that I could go get some breakfast . I have a taste for some French toast.

After getting my self together I then walk downstairs grab my purse and head out the door

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After getting my self together I then walk downstairs grab my purse and head out the door. I decided to walk down the street to a close by breakfast spot where I could get some French toast and eggs and bacon. After I got my food I then headed outside and walked to a near by park where I noticed that a stage and some stuff were being put up . I then noticed a group of amazingly attractive guys talking to each other . I then turned my head as one guy caught me staring. He is fine. As I get finish eating I clean up my mess and walked home.


Hmm what should I wear to work .
I should text Kai and ask him

Y/n: Hey, Kai I was wondering what should I wear?

Kai: We dont normaly have a uniform or anything, but any dark colors. Wear something sexy. We are having special guest tonight. That's why I wanted you to come in early. By the way, you are the only female waiter here so please don't feel uncomfortable.

Sexy? A special guess? I wonder who they could be.

Me: Ok See you soon. 

He then says bye and hangs up then I get dressed.

He then says bye and hangs up then I get dressed

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Change hair as you like)

I hurry up and finish getting dressed then head out to my car .

I unlock the car and hear down to top of the top ( made up name for restaurant ) as I head inside I notice Kai by the counter and head over to him

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I unlock the car and hear down to top of the top ( made up name for restaurant ) as I head inside I notice Kai by the counter and head over to him . He then greats me with a hug and asks how I am

Me: I'm fine . And your self ?

Kai: I'm great. So our guest should be here any minute so do you mind preparing the drinks of champagne? If you want you can put your stuff down in my office.

Me: Not at all. And yes that would be nice .

He then shows me to the back where his office is so I can drop off my things then takes me to the beautiful kitchen area so I can prepare the drinks .

5 minutes later

Kai: Are th-

Me: Yes, they are finished now .

Kai: Could you bring them out to table 2? It's the table all the way in the back in the corner

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Kai: Could you bring them out to table 2? It's the table all the way in the back in the corner .

Me: Sure.

I the  head out to the dining area walking quietly, people staring here and there. As I'm making my way to table 2, I hear someone talking in a different language

???: Does any females work here?

The other guys laugh but then quiet up as they see me with the drinks .
Not paying attention to who I was serving I then put down the drinks in front of each person.

Me: I'm Y/n and I will be your waitress for the night. What I just served to you was one of the most finest champagne with cherry ice cubes.

As I finished. I then look up at the guys that were at the table and one guy immediately caught my attention. It was the guys from the park.

Sik K: How you doing baby girl. I'm Sik K but you can cal me "K".

He then grabs my hand and gently rubs it .

Me- nice to meet you. I'm doing fine and your self ? As well as the rest of you ?

Everyone responds with good, fine, ect.

Me- Have you gentlemen decided what you will be having tonight .

Everyone then tells me what they are having tonight and I remember it all although having to write it down. As I was about to walk away one guy spoke. 

??: Wait, don't you need to write that down?

I then looked at him noticing its the guy third from last.

Me: No I have a good memory.

I then turn around and head to the kitchen so I can prepare all the orders and I have to make this quick and get all of them right.

I then walked from the kitchen area and stopped at an empty table and put the tray of food I had on the table and told the other two waiters go ahead. I then took off my see through shall and put it in the back of a chair. I picked back up my tray then began to walk over to the table where the guys were seated. I then made sure everyone had what they wanted and the plates went to the right people. When that was finished, I stepped to the side and waited to hear a response but all I heard was whispering.

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