What does he want?!

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I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned round and saw Dodger behind me I sighed and tried to walk off when he gently grabbed my arm to stop me from walking.I looked away so I didn't look at him because looking at him makes me sick.

"I just wanted to tell you I am so sorry what happened before." Dodger said moving my head so I was looking at him.

"What part, the part where you left with your sister. Or making me awkward whilst you made out with your freaking sister!" I said pushing his arms off of me.

"Wait what.." He said confusingly.

"Yeah I know that you're having a relationship with your sister how sick can you be?" I said looking at him.

"Woah woah well if it isn't Dodger Savage." A boy said out of nowhere.

"Get lost." Dodger said walking towards the boy.

"No who is this young lady is she your girlfriend?" The boy said looking at me.

"No.. he is dating his.." I said getting cut off from Dodger.

"Get away!" Dodger said pushing him.

"Who are you?" I asked the boy.

"My name is Robbie.Robbie Roscoe." He said laughing. "And what were you going to say?" He said walking towards me. I looked at Dodger feeling all scared.

"What do you mean?" I said taking steps back.Dodger kept on shaking his head.

"Well who is he dating?" He said stepping forward whilst I stepped back.

"He is dating me." I said sighing knowing that we'll never have a chance.

"Wow. Just dump him he isn't worth the risk. Honestly you don't know him. His brother killed his other girlfriend and his mother then tried to kill his daughter." He said stopping, turning around looking at Dodger before clapping.

"Wait.." I said raising an eyebrow. "What?" I said looking at Dodger. 

"Thanks for saving me and Sienna." He said smiling.

"I don't want a thanks. I want you to tell me what that Robbie lad was going on about."

"He was just talking about my family." He said rolling his eyes "I am not happy of what my brother has done but I can't change it." I rolled my eyes trying not to feel sorry for him.

"I have to go yeah..?" I said walking off.

"Wait." Dodger said. I stopped walking and turned around. 

"Yes?" I said wondering what he wanted. 

"Can I have your number?" He said getting his phone out of his pocket.

"Urm sure." I said walking to him giving him my phone whilst he gave me his we both put each others phone numbers in.

"Thanks." He said opening his arms for a hug. I hugged him then pulled back.

"Your welcome but now I really have to go." I said smiling

"Do you want me to walk you home." He waited for a moment. "Stuff that I am anyways." He said smiling before starting to walk I followed him."So how do you know that me and Sienna are siblings?" 

"Well Myra and Mercedes told me." I said looking at the floor whilst walking.

"Look,please don't tell anyone please tell your mum and Mercedes the same." He said sounding desperate. "I can't tell her no that I don't want to date her because the last time I told her that she handcuffed me to a radiator and wouldn't let me go. That's when your cousin Theresa helped me." 

"Okay I won't and I will ask them not to say anything but I can't promise you that they won't." I said smiling. "Thank you for walking me home but you really didn't have to." 

"It's a pleasure goodnight." He said smiling whilst I opened the door.

"Goodnight." I said walking in the house closing the door behind me. "It's me." I said shouting to let everyone know that I had came home.

"Where have you been all day?" Myra said worrying about me.

"Well I met someone else." I said smiling.

"Oh who?" She replied.

"Robbie Roscoe." I said replying. "And can I just say he looks fit!"

"Honey you shouldn't be hanging around with him." She said shaking her head. "He's a bad guy." She sighed.

"Well the McQueen family aren't much better. Having a son who held his own family hostage killing Tina. Theresa shooting Calvin on his wedding day.Mercedes stabbing herself to frame someone else. Mercedes killing Dr Browning. So really are you going to tell me we are a loving caring family?!" I said being annoyed at her telling me who I shouldn't and should be hanging around with.

"Excuse me,I was just looking out for you and what about all of the good things we've done. Mercedes killed Dr Browning for being an abusive idiot." She said sighing. 

"Well this is what dad has been telling me." I said shaking my head. 

"Well your dad needs to shut his mouth!" She said walking upstairs going to bed. I walked up to bed sipping my drink, later falling asleep. The next morning I got dressed and walked downstairs. I sat down on the sofa watching TV when I heard my phone vibrate. I looked at it before picking it up it was a text from Dodger.

Dodger;Hello beautiful x

I raised my eyebrow. I thought to myself oh no he isn't . Why is he calling me beautiful. I ignored my phone until I heard Mercedes come downstairs. "Mercy?" I turned round looking at her. "I got a text from Dodger, what should I do?" I wondered because I had never had a boyfriend before.

"Well act like the McQueens do,play hard to get anyways he is dating his sister isn't he?" She said rolling her eyes sitting next to me, picking up my phone texting Dodger back. 

Me; Hello dude,you sent this to the wrong person.

Mercedes gave me my phone back. "Oh my thanks Mercy you're a life saver honestly. I was speechless and didn't want to text back I smiled.

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