A new day, A new beginning

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I woke up the next morning with a great attitude, I opened my curtains then put my makeup on before doing my hair. I picked up my phone and saw a text from Dodger.

Dodger: Good Morning beautiful hope you're having a good morning.

I smiled because after everything he still loves me, after everything I mean me starting arguments with him and blaming the fire on him even though it was his brother.

Me: Good morning my handsome boy, I am thank you. Hope you're enjoying yourself.

I was so happy for the first time in forever and i just didn't know why. I ran into John Paul's room and bounced on his bed.

"Get up!" I shouted jumping off going to the curtains opening them to blind him with the sun to make him get up.

"What's put you in a good mood?" He put his hands over his eyes.

"I don't actually know I am just happy!" I shouted in a high pitched voice chuckling. "Get ready it's time to go shopping." I then ran downstairs grabbing two glasses of water and ran back upstairs. I ran into Mercedes and Theresa's room and threw the glasses of water at them.

"Amy!" Theresa squealed. "I am going to kill you!" She jumped out of bed laughing.

"Amy, that's it." Mercedes jumped out of bed after Theresa. I ran downstairs they ran after me. Then I stopped running and they tickled me.

"John Paul are you out of bed yet?!" I shouted from downstairs. 

"Yeah I am getting out now." He yelled. 

"Hurry up!" I shouted making breakfast.

"Oh my just shut up you act like a mother more than a sister man!" He walked downstairs, fixing his shirt.

"Well hurry up and I wouldn't have too!" I shouted before walking out the door with all the girls, him lagging behind. On the way there we saw Finn, I looked behind at John Paul and shook my head before grabbing his arm. "Ignore him" i whispered.

"Don't worry about me." He laughed.

"Well hello McQueens, McKing." Finn laughed.

"Leave us alone we don't care what you say." I rolled my eyes before speeding past him.

"How's Robbie doing in Prison have you spoke to him, sounds to me like he is dying and needs help." He followed us. I panicked. 

"Please just leave us alone. I don't care about Robbie anymore, I don't know why I should. He tried to kill me." I walked faster.

"Well didn't kill you. Such a shame." He walked faster.

"Don't talk to my sister like that!" Mercedes turned around whilst i got out my phone. Suddenly before we all knew it six men came around us.

"Whats happening who are yous?" I span around,slowly looking at all trying to think if i've saw them before.

"Well these men are going to look after yous for a while until you let Robbie out." Finn laughed. "Take them away boys." 

"No!" I shouted. "You leave them alone." Mercedes screamed whilst she was trying to break free but the men put ductape on her mouth. "Leave them alone!" Theresa,Porsche,Celine got took away.

"Leave them alone please." John Paul shook his head. 

"Fine!" I shouted. "Wait. Let them go!" Finn looked at the men to bring back Theresa,Porsche,Celine and also Mercedes. "I will tell them that it was a misunderstanding." I sighed. 

"Okay then. Lets go." Finn pulled my arm. The others followed then we bumped into Dodger.

"What's happening?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled.

"I'm going to following you." Dodger whined.

When we got to the police station Dodger looked at me. "What's going on here?"

"I have to save my family." I walked inside. "Hello Sir, There was a bit of a misunderstanding Robbie didn't commit the crime I told you." I sighed. After ten minutes of waiting in the waiting room Robbie got out. He walked to me I walked away. "Happy?" I sighed, looking at Finn.

The Roscoe brothers walked to the Police Station. "Sorry I had to Freddie." I sighed. Freddie nodded looking at the floor. 

"What does she mean sorry, did you not want me out?" He looked at Freddie having an angry and confused look on his face.

"You needed to learn what you did was wrong you can't just go round holding people hostage and get away with it." He rolled his eyes.

"I have learned my mistakes. Now get over it. Before I punch some sense into you." Robbie held his fists up. 

"Boys stop." Joe got involved. "You both have a point now drop it." Robbie shook his head.

"I can't believe you." Robbie walked off. I looked at Freddie.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed.

Freddie shook his head. "It's fine. You have nothing to be sorry for." He mouthed. Then a red headded woman came behind him and kissed him. "Hey Sinead." He smiled.

I can't say that i'm not jealous.. I am with Dodger.

"I won't be home tonight I'm out with the girls." Sinead smiled.

"Okay." He smiled before she walked off. I walked off with the family to the house. Today's been crazy.

"I'm going to work now babe i'll see you when I can, yeah?" Dodger kissed me on the cheek before saying goodbye then shortly after walked out the house. I sighed I was all alone because the family were doing their own kinda stuff. I was watching TV when I got a text from Freddie.

Freddie R- Hey!

I looked at the text message wondering what he wanted as he never texted me.

Me- Hey Fred, what you doing?

After two seconds I got a reply 

Freddie R- Texting you to see what you're doing.

I smiled at the text message, is this him trying to get with me?

Me- I'm home alone unfortunately. 

Then I heard a knock on my door. I didn't want to open it.

Freddie R- Is there someone knocking on your door?

I looked at my text message feeling quite scared now.

Me- Yes.. 

The knocks got louder and louder.

Me- Fredd, it's scaring me.

Freddie R- Go upstairs into your bedroom and try ignore the noise it's going to be okay.

Me- Freddie! I'm scared!

Then I ran upstairs into my bedroom. Freddie rang me.


"Freddie, I am scared." I cried.

"It's okay I am on my way.."He replied

"Wait.. how did you know.."I got quite confused.

"I can't explain I'm sorry." He said

"Please Fred." 

"I can't.." 

I heard banging on my door. Then it all stopped.

"FREDDIE?" I shouted.

There was no reply for two minutes.

"I'm back open your door.."

"Not until -" 

"Just do it.." 

I hung up before walking downstairs, slowly opening the door. 

====================================OFF CALL====================================

I saw blood on the floor.

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